Bilbo ~ Comfort 2

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Bilbo was as surprised as anyone when Shiera decided to rejoin them on the quest, after her reaction after the trolls, he had, as all of them, expected her to stay in Rivendell, something that Lord Elrond had been more than happy to let her do.

And yet, when they left early one morning, she joined them, ready to go.

"Are you sure you want to continue?" Bilbo asked her quietly as they walked.

"Yes." She said firmly, not meeting his eye.

"Shiera..." Bilbo hesitates, clearly unsure of what to ask.

"I will be fine Bilbo." She says softly, surprising him as she briefly meets his eye. "I promise."

Even after the goblin tunnels and being run down orcs and wargs, her reaction was never the same as it had been after the trolls. Bilbo didn't understand what had happened to her but she seemed quieter, more resigned to the tasks ahead, and it wasn't until they found refuge in Beorn's that Bilbo approached her about it.

But it was only because the dwarves told him to. Clearly, he wasn't the only one who had noticed.

Shiera had disappeared into the barn early one morning, having a deep love for animals, and the dwarves had cornered Bilbo and then practically shoved him through the door.

Bilbo stood their a little awkwardly, he'd tried to explain to the dwarves that she would talk to him when she was ready and if she needed to, but they would have none of it, saying that this change in her wasn't natural and he needed to sort it out.

He sighs, rubbing the back of his neck before heading deeper into the barn.

Shiera was by the horses, gently patting one, her gaze a little lost.


She starts and looks at Bilbo, her hand leaving the horse.

"Bilbo. Is everything okay?"

He approaches a little nervously. "I feel I should be asking you that."

"I'm fine." She says, returning to the horse. "Why would I be any different?"

"Because you've been acting...odd." Bilbo sighs, deciding to just get to it. "Ever since Rivendell something has been different about you. What is going on?"

Shiera frowns, not looking at him. "Nothing. Bilbo, I'm perfectly fine, you have no reason to be concerned."

"Well, that's not what I think. It's also not what the others think. We are all worried for you Shiera." He folds his arm, using his best stern look that he could muster against her. "Now, please, tell me what is going on."

She takes a moment, still patting the horse before sighing and moving away, taking a seat just a little away from Bilbo. "I'm sorry Bilbo."

"For what?" He asks, surprised.

Silence follows his question and she stares at her lap. He moves and sits next to her.


"I didn't want to disappoint you."

"Disappoint me?"

She nods, still not meeting his eye. "Because I am a coward and I feel like I am letting you down."

This surprised Bilbo and it took him a moment to find his voice again. "Shiera, you could never disappoint me, and as for being a coward, this journey hasn't been anything easy. I have been just as afraid as you."

But she shakes her head. "You did not break down as I did, you did not hide yourself away and then expect others to look after you, you did not-"

"Shiera!" He says loudly, taking her hands and bringing her gaze up to meet his. "You cannot expect us to all react the same, and frankly after all you've been through, I'm surprised nothing has happened sooner after all that you have been through, and I am still happy to be here for you through all of it." He draws in a breath to calm himself. "Is that really what this has all been about?"

Numbly, she nods. "I thought if I just didn't react..." Her eyes fill with tears and she rips her gaze away to blink furiously. "I've never been so scared before, Bilbo."

"So why didn't you stay in Rivendell?" He asks gently.

"Because I didn't want to leave you." She snaps and then her face turns bright red, shuffling nervously. "I...I didn't want you to be one your own with these dwarves, I know that they haven't been easy on you throughout this and I just...I just..."

Bilbo, who was also very red in the face, hadn't let go of her hand. "You continued on, for me?"

She nods. "The same reason I walked out the door after you."

There was an awkward silence between them, both not entirely sure what to do with the information now shared.

"I'm glad you came with me." Bilbo says quietly. "It's been...nice to have someone reasonable to talk to."

"I would hardly call myself reasonable." Shiera squeaks.

"Well, you are definitely more reasonable than the dwarves." He chuckles and she smiles.

"I guess." She glances at him. "Although, certainly more argumentative."

"And I can argue with that." Bilbo smiles. "Look Shiera...thank you. I don't think I would've gotten this far without you." He leans over and kisses her temple, making her freeze. "And don't think you could ever disappoint me."

Shiera didn't know how to respond to this, just sitting still.

Bilbo bites his lip for a moment, thinking on what to say. "I'm happy you came with me Shiera, I mean it, and, if you want to, I want you to keep going with me, see this through to the end."

She looks at him, her eyes wide. "You mean it?"

"Of course." He smiles. "I can think of no other I would have rather spent this journey with."

Without warning, Sheira throws her arms around him, and without thinking, kisses him fully on the lips.

Both hobbits go bright red, all the way to their ear tips as she moves away, her arms still around his neck.

"Um..." She was unsure of what to say, having not entirely predicted her own reaction.

Bilbo says nothing, instead, his hands rest gently on her waist and he leans in, placing a much softer and gentler kiss on her lips. Shiera relaxes and returns it.

There is a scuffle nearby and the hobbits break apart, stunned, as Fili and Kili suddenly tumble out of a hiding spot, both looking very abashed.

Shiera was furious.

Getting to her feet and making herself as tall as possible, she glares at the two dwarves, who almost tremble as they fight to their feet.

"How dare you two eavesdrop! What sort of rapscallion antic is that!" She yelled and the two brothers start apologizing profusely.

"I don't give a damn about your apologies! You wait till your Uncle finds out about this." She turns on her heel to storm out.

"Please Shiera, that's really not necessary!"

"We're sorry! We mean it!"

She rounds back on them and they flinch. "I don't care what kind of bet you lot have going about Bilbo and I, but this is not funny. Now you two best be out of here before I count to three, or so help me-"

Fili and Kili bolt past her and quickly disappear out the barn door as Shiera glares after them.

Bilbo starts to laugh. "Why Shiera, it's good to have the old you back."

Shiera sighs. "Honestly, those two just live for trouble."

Bilbo laughs harder and she looks at him. "What?"

He shakes his head, still laughing. "You will never cease to amaze me Shiera."

She blushes. "Well, honestly..."

Bilbo gets up and wraps his arms securely around her. "And that is a good thing."

Shiera sighs and settles against him, for the moment, just enjoying his company and not worrying about what was to come.

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