Thorin ~ Magic 6

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Kesia's and Thorin's relationship had much improved by now, they didn't argue anywhere near as much as when they had first met, and those that cared to notice saw something deeper than comradery growing between them.

Beorn's house proved to be grateful reprieve for a time, giving all of them a moment to relax and catch up on missed sleep and meals.

All except Kesia.

There was a growing darkness in her mind and she couldn't help but feel that it was growing stronger, almost ready to make its presence known.

It meant that nightmares plagued her.

Thorin felt it too, through her, and while he did not entirely understand, he understood enough to know why it was effecting her.

Could someone manipulate your abilities?

It would have to be partly my choice.

So why are you worried?

Because it is always a temptation. We all face it, even those without magic. Certainly, many would have to go through extreme torture to reach that, but it is still there.

Well, they would still have to get a hold of you first. Something I am sure you would not let happen easily.

Kesia gives a soft laugh. This is true. Between Gandalf and my mother I am not sure they would allow that to happen easily either.

This gives Thorin pause. You know I met her?

Of course.

"Kesia?" Kesia starts, looking up from where she'd been sitting alone comfortably in the grass, Gandalf watching her closely. "Is everything alright?" He asked carefully.

She nods. "Just not sleeping well." Thorin gives a soft laugh in her ear and she refrains from rolling her eyes.

"Do you mind if I join you?" Gandalf asks and sits with her before she can respond.

Kesia and Thorin shut each other off. She shrugs at Gandalf. "I don't see why not."

But this makes the concern grow on Gandalf's expression. "Kesia, I think it is time we had a discussion that has been gnawing away at me for a while."

She raises an eyebrow. "What?"

"About you and Thorin."

"Oh? I don't suppose this would also have to do with the spell you put over us?"

Slowly, he nods. "Yes...and no. I removed that spell when you woke up."

Kesia opens her mouth, frowns and closes it again. "What?"

Gandalf gives her a sheepish look. "I had figured it had gone well beyond my spell when you had healed him, something I will admit I would not expect you to do, considering how your relationship started."

She wasn't sure how to take this and sensed for the spell, not finding it. "If you removed it..."

"Then it is your own magic at work, not mine." He says gently. "Which means only you can stop it."

"But how does it even work Gandalf?" She asked, feeling unease settle over her. "I don't even...I mean, how would I-"

"Would you even want to rid yourself of the spell?" Gandalf gives a kind smile. "That is my real question."

She falls silent, knowing the answer but not willing to say it out loud.

Gandalf understands. "You two just need to be more cautious when using it, so you aren't as easily distracted."

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