Kili ~ Charge 6

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It was an odd thing to not see Kili and Emilyssia talking, and despite all that they were suddenly thrown into, it didn't make any difference.

When Kili was shot by the orc as they were escaping Mirkwood, there was a temporary moment when they thought it would be alright, a sudden fireball being launched from Emilyssia straight at the orc who had shot him, something she wasn't even aware she could do.  The orc had been quick enough to dodge and Emilyssia was too much in shock to do much about, Dwalin having to throw himself forward and force her down to out of range of more incoming arrows.

Once relatively safe and back on shore, Emilyssia hesitated as she watched Fili tend to Kili, but does not go over.

"Did you two have a fight?"

Emilyssia looks at Dwalin, her gaze worried.  "Not...exactly."

Dwalin frowns.  "Emilyssia, you can tell me."

She sighs and rubs her neck.  "I know, but I honestly don't think anyone would understand."

She walks away before he can ask anything else and he catches Kili's eye as she does, seeing the hurt and concern in his gaze.

It wasn't until they were safely in Laketown did Dwalin get a chance to talk to her.

Emilyssia was quick to disappear the night they were welcomed into the master's house, having little interest in the temporary celebration, and being more concerned with sitting on her own in her allocated room.

Dwalin followed close behind.

He knocks on her door.  "Emilyssia?"

"I don't want to talk Pa."

Dwalin lets out a short breath and then enters the room anyway, Emilyssia looking up agitated.

He holds his hands up in surrender.  "I know, but I think this will be something for your own good."  He shuts the door and then walks over to where she was seated on the bed, joining her, looking more than awkward.  "Talk to me.  What has happened between you and Kili?"

"Nothing."  She lied.

"You know you get that trait from me, being a terrible liar."  He said gruffly.  "Now, you and the lad have always been close, now you aren't even talking.  What's happened?"

It all came out then and through broken sobs, she began to speak.

"Kili...Kili told me he loved me Pa, and...and I'd never really thought about it before, but-but I love him back."  She draws in a shaky breath, trying to fight her tears.  "But-but we can't, we can't be together because of-of what I can do, because of my blood, and-and-"  She can't go on, finally letting the tears win and she places her head down in her lap.

Dwalin watches her for a moment before sighing and pulling her into his arms.  She doesn't resist, clinging to him tightly.

"So you told him no,"  He said quietly.  "Emilyssia, you are too much like your mother."

She hiccupped.  "What?"

Dwalin gave a small sad smile, remembering.  "Emilyssia, can you believe that when your mother found out that Thorin didn't approve of our marriage, she tried to call it off?"

Emilyssia looks up at him with red eyes.

Dwalin nods to her unasked question.  "Claimed she didn't want her blood to be burden on me."  Dwalin then smiled at her.  "I told her Thorin could shove his misgivings up his arse and I wasn't going to let her go."

She gave a small laugh through her tears.  "Of course you did."

He gently wipes some tears from her face.  "So what makes you think that this should be any different?"

She sniffs.  " would approve?"

"I'll admit, I was weary at first, after all, Fili and Kili are known troublemakers, but when I saw how happy you reminded me of when your mother was with us.  I'd never take you away from something like that."

Fresh tears sprung into Emilyssia's eyes.  "But there's still-there's still-"

"Well, both you and Kili and can tell Thorin to shove it where the sun don't shine because he has no right, prince or not, if you and Kili are right for each other, that's all that should matter."  Dwalin frowns at her.  "And you won't have any problems with Dis, her and your mother were inseparable at times."

Emilyssia sighs and sits up, wiping her eyes.  "There's still me Pa."

"And what exactly is wrong with you?"  Dwalin asked sternly.  "So you can throw a few fireballs around, it doesn't change anything else about you does it?"


"Plus I'm sure it'll be useful for getting rid of any pesky admirers that come along."

Emilyssia laughed, she couldn't help it.

"That's better, you know I'm no good around tears."  He said with a smile pulling her back into a tight hug.

"Thank you Pa."

"I would do anything for you, you know that."  Dwalin kisses the top of her head.  "Which includes hitting Thorin if I have to, just say the word."

She laughs again.  "I think I need to think some first."

"Well, don't take too long, I'm sure the lad can only stand having his heart broken for so long."

Dwalin left Emilyssia alone, saying she wanted to at least think overnight, and he agreed.  He walked back out to where everyone was still eating and drinking, eyeing off Thorin.

"Can I have a word?"  He asked.

Thorin raises an eyebrow but stands, following Dwalan back into the hall.

Dwalin folds his arms.  "What did you say to Emilyssia?"

Thorin frowns.  "About what?"

"About her and Kili."


"Then why is it she is very upset partly because she thinks you wouldn't agree?"

Thorin stares at Dwalin.  "I hadn't even realised that Kili had spoken to her."

"You were supposed to speak to them both."

"Dwalin,"  Thorin sighs.  "In all honesty I had thought that they would at least wait until the quest was over.  Had I known-"

Dwalin's glare cuts Thorin off.  "You knew full well it was a possibility."

Thorin frowned.  "Your point?"

"Do we really need to have this argument again?"  Dwalin asked, his anger simmering bellow the surface.   "You agreed Thorin."

"And I've clearly made a mistake."  Thorin argued.  "Look Dwalin, I know you are doing this for Emilyssia, just as my argument was for Kili-"

"Not for his well being."

"The point is, we are both doing what we think is right."  Thorin sighs.  "I will talk to Kili tonight, if that would make you happy."

Dwalin nods and then grins. "You're getting soft."

"Shut up."

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