Thorin ~ Accidents

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Warmth seeped softly into her skin, a red glow under her eyes as she slowly came to.  Birds were singing and there was an odd rustling near her.

Slowly, warm brown eyes open to a blue sky and a canopy of trees above her, golden rays peeking through and kissing her skin.

The rustle sounds again and she turns her head, a doe watching her as it eats away at the grass.

Blinking slowly she came to the realisation that she didn't know where she was.

Yet this didn't panic her.

Carefully, so as not to disturb the deer, she sits up.  Thick chocolate brown hair falls in loose ringlets around her face as she pushes them back, staring at the forest around her.

Her feet were bare and she curled her toes in the grass, it almost feeling surreal.  She knew she should be panicking, knew that this was something wrong, but she wasn't afraid.

The doe nuzzled her.

Reaching up, she pats its head, the doe unafraid of her.

She smiles.  "Aren't you a brave one?"

The doe gives a soft snort and then turns and walks away, glancing back at her.

She took the hint, getting to her feet, cotton pants and shirt in an almost white clothing her, and she follows after it.

The doe leads her to a road and she looks either way as it suddenly dashes back off into the forest.

There was someone approaching on the road.

It was clear he was an older man, dressed in a heavy grey cloak, an even greyer beard and hair, a staff in hand and one very pointed hat.

She didn't move as the man stopped before her, curious blue eyes sparkling at her from beneath bushy eyebrows.

"Well, I can't say I was expecting this."  He gives a little chuckle, causing her to tilt her head.  "Who might you be?"

She thought for a moment, having not really thought of who she was.

"Louisa."  She said finally.  "My name is Louisa."

The man seems to think on this, nodding.  "I see.  Well, Louisa, I am Gandalf the Grey and it appears that I am to be your guide."

"Guide?"  Louise frowned not understanding.

"Indeed."  He moves a satchel around to his front, digging through it.  "Here, nights get cold around here, you will need this."

He hands her a cloak, one much too long for her, something he only realises once she puts it on.

"Hmmm, it appears some work will have to put into that before it'll be comfortable.  Do not worry though, we are not far from a town that caters to one of your height."  He smiles warmly at her even though she didn't understand.  "You have nothing to worry about Louisa, I will help you adjust to this."

Louisa nods, trusting him, after all, she sensed no threat.

"We'll also have to get you some clothes better suited to travelling."  He remarked but then starts to walk, Louisa following.  "Roads can be long and dangerous out here after all."

Louisa nods as if she knows this and Gandalf watches her out of the corner of his eyes.

"I take it you remember nothing?"

"Small pieces."  Louisa looks at him.  "Not enough to know how I ended up here."

"And you are not afraid?"

"I cannot feel anything to be afraid of."  She frowns, realising it sounded odd.

Gandalf chuckles again.  "Do not worry, I can help you with your magic."


"Yes, no doubt that is how you ended up here in the first place."  Gandalf nods to himself.  "I am sure, with the right guidance, you can actually be quite powerful, which is both dangerous and useful, but we will get to the later, for now, let us just focus on the road."

She could tell he wanted time to think so they continued in silence.

Instead she found a silver chain on her wrist, she looked at it as they walked feeling it had some significance but unable to place it.  It was well kept and she could tell by the slight tan on her wrist she didn't take it off.  It was a simple bracelet, small links leading to a small lock that held it together.  She felt it had been a gift, but she could not remember anything else.

Gandalf hurried her along a little and after a couple of hours, as the afternoon settled, the found themselves on the outskirts of Bree.

Louisa was left waiting on a chair in a small welcoming shop as Gandalf went to talk to the dressmaker, her feet swinging as she took in the warm wooden walls and flowers in almost every corner.

Something shifted around her neck.

Reaching up she suddenly found herself tugging at a black cord tied around her neck.  Curious, she pulls at the cord until the pendant came up from under her shirt.  This, like her bracelet, was silver, except this was a lot more detailed.

It was almost square in appearance, made up of crossed lines and a diamond shape in the middle.  There were detailed etchings in it giving the silver a real life of its own in the light, but what really drew her attention was the small gem in the middle.

She could not tell what it was, it seemed to shine brightly with many colours, but she couldn't deny it was beautiful, her thumb brushing over it as she examines it.

Gandalf returns, pausing when he sees what she is looking at.  He gently closes her hand over it.  "I suggest, for the moment, that stay hidden dear.  Unusual things like this can caused unwanted attention."

He didn't elaborate when she looked at him, so she just nods and buries it back under her shirt.

The dressmaker takes her in and starts to help Louisa work out more suitable clothing, including a pair of shoes.  A mix of greys, greens, creams and browns seem to flutter by her eyes and it wasn't long before she was better dressed,  smiling.

A coat was also insisted upon but the dressmaker said it would take till morning to fix up, as she refused to work with the one Gandalf gave her.

Night had fallen by the time they left, Louisa now having a pack half filled with fresh clothes, so they made their way to the local inn.

Something twinged inside of Louisa as they stepped inside, causing her to frown as Gandalf stepped up to talk to the inn keeper.

Her eyes scanned the many patrons of the inn, working out what she was feeling.

There was pain here.

A fair few were drowning it in the alcohol but it was not them she could feel.

Finally, she realised she was mainly feeling one.

A man sat alone at a table in front of the fire, long dark hair covering broad shoulders that had clearly seen too many battles.  He was travel worn, his armour in need of repair, something that was bothering him, and while he was welcoming his meal, he was also very on guard, his sword close by as he eyed the darker corners of the room.

The man's gaze started to raise as if feeling her eyes on him but then Gandalf blocked the way.

"Now, we have the room first on the left upstairs."  Gandalf said, handing her his hat and staff.  "Why don't you head up first, I'll get us something to eat."

Louisa was a little annoyed, but did as Gandalf asked, pausing at the stairs to get a final glance before Gandalf shooed her along again.

There was something about him she could not place.

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