Eomer ~ Stay 2

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It may be a part 2, but still inspired from here: http://imaginexhobbit.tumblr.com/post/125207205266/imagine-eomer-falling-more-in-love-with-you-when

To say it had been a strange time at Rohan would be an understatement.  Conveniently, whenever Eomer wanted to talk to me, Aragorn or Eowyn were quick to take Boromir away.  It hadn't escaped my notice, nor Boromir's, who'd I'd had to tell several times that there was nothing between Eomer and I.

Which wasn't entirely true.

There was a day in the stables, I hadn't been overly in the mood to be dealing with things, so I went and tended the horses, something I used to enjoy in Gondor.

It just so happened that the horse I took most interest in, was Eomer's.

I hadn't known, but it was clear that Firefoot was a noble beast, and like his master, had taken a liking to me.  I didn't even know how long I had stood there, brushing the horse mane, softly talking to him.

Nor, do I know how long Eomer had watched.

"It is unusual for him to like strangers."

I had jumped, almost falling into Firefoot, looking around as Eomer had laughed.

"That is hardly fair!"  I squeaked a little.  "How long have you been standing there?"

"Long enough, my lady." He gives an apologetic bow, although with a wide smile, before he strides over, joining me.  "He likes you."

Firefoot was indeed nudging me expectantly to return to brushing, something I did while keeping an eye on Eomer.

"I've always been good with horses."  I said carefully.  "My brothers always teased me about it, but it was always me they turned to if something went wrong."

"So I can see."  Eomer stepped in behind me, causing me to tense.  "But you need to longer strokes at the base of the mane, like this."  His hand rested over mind in the brush, and he moved them together.  "It is more comforting for the horse."


"My lady?"

I turned my head to smile at him.  "That is exactly what I was doing."

His grin matched mine.  "No, you were definitely doing it wrong."

I giggled and allowed our hands to entwine on the brush.  "If you say so, my lord."

"I do say."  His breath was warm over my ear as he leaned in closer.  "Just as I say you are the most amazing and beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on."

My breath hitched in my throat, his other arm had wrapped warmly around my waist, and he was getting ever so closer to my neck, even as he breathed in deep.

"What I wouldn't give to know you."  He breathed, his voice almost a low growl.

"So know me."  I answered, a little incapable of thinking.

I felt his arm tense around my waist, his hand tighten over mine, and then I was spun and pressed hard against the stable wall, Eomer's hot and hungry mouth over mine.

It was the first time I admitted to myself that I liked him, and that maybe, just maybe, I was allowed to have something good.

Boromir had interrupted us, his footsteps warning us of his approach.  Both our faces flustered, we quickly had to make it look like we weren't doing anything.

"Sarena?"  Boromir asked, coming into the stable.

I smiled at him, brushing Firefoot's mane again.  "Hey Boromir."

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