Beorn ~ Little 3

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I was anxious, Beorn was yet to return after answering Radagast's call to arms.  Our little bear had come early which was the only reason he left, but now it had been a lot longer than what I thought.

Little Bren stirred in my arms and I hushed him gently, brushing his cheek softly, sending him easily back to sleep.  I returned to my gazing out at the fields, it was a cool morning, one I wished Beorn was here for.

Sighing, I finally returned inside, placing Bren into his crib and starting my daily chores, always listening in case he needed me.

After feeding him and setting him back down to sleep, I went outside to start tending to the animals.  This was normally Beorn's tasks, but without him, I had to make time for it too, not that I minded, I loved the animals just as much, it was just very time consuming.

It was late afternoon when I was coming back from the horses, humming to myself, when I heard something and froze.

It had come from the house.

I smelt the air, but could find nothing wrong.

Cautiously, despite my panic, I approached the house and as I got closer, I heard humming from a voice I recognised.

I started to run, bursting through the door.

Beorn smiled at me as he placed Bren back in his crib.  "Hello little one."

I sobbed and ran to him, throwing my arms around him and he caught me easily, holding me tight.

I buried my face in his neck.  "I was getting worried."

"I am alright, Bell."  He said softly, pressing kisses into the top of my head.  "I was delayed.  It was no easy battle."

I looked up at him.  "Are you alright?"

Beorn nods, brushing my hair back.  "It takes a lot more than orcs to take me out."

I half laughed and rested back against him.  "I would have felt a lot better being there with you."

A soft growl rumbles through him.  "You know we could not leave our little bear alone."

"I know,"  I said quietly.  "But it did not make it any easier to see you go."

"I know."  He brings my head up to look at him.  "And I would not have left if I did not think it important."

I sniffed but he doesn't give me an opportunity to say anything else, pressing his lips to mine.  I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling myself as close as I could, desperate to feel him there.  Beorn growled low in his throat, deepening the kiss and picking me up in his arms,  and placing me on the table.

I bit hard into his bottom lip and another growl ripped through him, resting his hand on the table so we could stay balanced.

A small cry got both our attentions.

I sighed as we broke apart, both of us breathing hard.  "He is probably hungry."

Beorn grumbled, simply nuzzling into my neck, still holding tightly onto me.

I giggle as he nipped lightly and pushed him away a little.  "Later love, our son needs attention."

There was another cry, Bren getting more impatient.

Beorn helped me off the table and I quickly moved to our son, picking him up as he started to whinge a little more.

"Hush little bear," I whisper quietly as I rock him.  "It's all alright."

Beorn's hands rested on my shoulders and I looked up at him.  "Go rest little one, I will do the rest for the day."


He smiled though was already guiding me over to the armchair, making sure I was comfortable before he moved away.  I smiled after him, feeling comfortable for the first time since he left.

After he was fed, Bren sit there and giggled as I played with him, making both Beorn and I smile too.  As we ate dinner, we carefully put him on a large rug on the floor so he could see us both and we sat in comfort together.

Once he was fed again and put to bed, Beorn and I sat in front of the fire together, my head on his lap, his fingers trailing through my hair, his eyes distant.

I gently touched his cheek.  "You are not okay."

Beorn's gaze met mine and he smiled softly, taking my hand and kissing my fingers.  "I will be alright.  There are just some memories of war you cannot shake."

"So tell me,"  I smiled warmly.  "You know I have seen my fair share."

He returns my smile.  "Too much and you are very tired, I need not burden you further."


But without warning, he scooped me up into his arms, causing me to yelp and then laugh with him.

He lets out a growl and nuzzles my nose.  "You need to sleep little Bell.  I fear I have been away too long and tired you so."

"I am-"  I yawned.  "Fine."

He chuckles,  carrying me into our bedroom, laying down so he could pull me against him before I could pull away.  "Of course, I would never argue with you."

I hit him playfully.  "Quiet you, you can spend tomorrow doing everything and see how long you last."

"I was going to offer anyway."  He kisses away the frown that creases my forehead.  "You need rest Bell, I left almost the day after Bren was born.  It was not fair on you."

"It was necessary."  I said.  "We both agreed."

"I know, but it did not mean I had to like it."  Beorn pulls me in for a kiss.  "I have missed you."

"And I, you."  I kissed him again even as he pulled the blankets tightly around us.  "I hope you do not have to leave for a long time."

"And I will not,"  He breathed.  "No matter how much they ask.  Once is enough for our lifetime."

Giving into my tiredness, I settle against him.  "I'm glad I never left Beorn."

A low grumble rolls through him and he pulls me closer.  "As am I."

We rested, just breathing together, and I was starting to settle into a light sleep when a small childs cry got my attention.  I groaned and went to get up but Beorn held me still.

"No my little one,"  He said quietly.  "I will deal with our little bear, you need to sleep."

I smiled at him as he climbed from bed, my eyes half open.  "Thank you Beorn."

"Hush, go to sleep."

Finally, settled now that Beorn was home, comforted by the fact he was safe, I drifted into a deep sleep, listening to a soft song that Beorn sung to Bren to calm him, and my dreams were filled with open fields, running as bear and man, Beorn and an older Bren at my side.

I smiled in my sleep.  No real darkness would ever touch us here, finally a happy, settled family.

This was how it was always meant to be.

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