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This is based on several imagines found here:



"And Lili."

"At your service."

Bilbo stared a little slack jawed at the three new dwarves on the doorstep, who had bowed in unison.  The blonde one was clearly the eldest, followed by the dark haired one in the middle, and the youngest, with much longer dark hair platted neatly back and vibrant blue eyes, was female.

"You must be Mr Boggins!"  Kili says cheerfully.

Bilbo took his chance.  "Nope, you've come to the wrong house-"

Fili stopped him shutting the door.

"Has it been cancelled?"

"No one told us."

Bilbo stares at them perplexed, the female dwarf rolling her eyes behind them.

"It was Mr Baggins, Kili." She says, stepping up to them.  "And you two are being quiet rude.  The poor fellow is clearly flustered."  She bows again with a wide smile.  "Would it be alright if we came in Mr Baggins?"

Bilbo stares at her and just nods, stepping aside for the three dwarves to enter.

"Careful with these, I've just had them sharpened."  Fili states and starts handing over his knives to poor Bilbo.

"Nice place this, did you build it yourself?"  Kili asks scraping his boot on a box.

"What? No.  And can you please not do that, that's my mothers drawing box."  Bilbo squeaks, still being handed knives by Fili.

Lili shakes her head with a sigh.  "You two need to learn better house manners."

"We have excellent manners Lil."  Kili says and then beams as Dwalin comes around the corner.  "Mr Dwalin!"

Dwalin returns the grin half heartedly but then looks seriously at Lili.  "Does Thorin know you are here?"

Lili rolls her eyes, and if Bilbo wasn't mistaken, they slipped into a much deeper blue.  "Of course Uncle knows I'm here, I'm not stupid Dwalin, and besides, you lot will probably need my help."

Dwalin snorts.  "Right lass.  Well, you just take a seat and let us handle all this then."


"Thorin will kill me if he finds you doing anything."  He says, dragging Kili off, Fili following.

"Well, he's just going to have to get used to it."  Lili storms after them, her eyes still a deep blue and Bilbo looked on very lost.

But if Lili thought that she would be able to help, she was very wrong, as the other dwarves arrived, as soon as she grabbed anything she found it pulled from her grasp.  Bilbo swore that her eyes kept getting darker.

Gandalf joined her as she was glaring at the other dwarves.  "Little Lili, what on earth is the matter?"

"They are insisting that I do nothing."  She snaps.

"Well, that is to be expected, surely you know that?"

"I'm not helpless Gandalf and they all know that."

Hobbit/The Lord of the Rings ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now