Connected 3

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Weeks passed slowly and it quickly became clear that Veera and Keeva disagreed on what needed to be said to the others.

There were more than a few arguments about it.

But even with that, everyday Keeva would leap off the pony she was sharing with someone to go and help Veera, who would often be shaking and pale, and help her down.

The dwarves really wanted to know.

"Well if someone would let me-"

"No Keeva."

"It's not going to-"

"They don't need to know."

It was pretty much the same argument each time.

It was after about two weeks that that was forced to change.

Keeva was going to be paired with Dwalin, much to his annoyance, and Veera with Thorin.

Thorin had climbed onto the pony first and was awaiting Veera, who was securing her pack to the pony.

"I think it's fine." Thorin said after she checked it for the third time.

Veera glances up at him, just making sure.

Holding onto his arm for support, she pulled herself up and then over balanced, threatening to fall straight back except Thorin caught her hand.

There was a startled yelp from both of them and Veera landed heavily back on the ground.

"Oi! What did you let go for?!" Keeva shouted, rushing over to help Veera.

But Veera and Thorin were staring at each other, both in shock.

Keeva hauled Veera to her feet without noticing, brushing her down. "I swear, that was the most rude, uncomprihensable thing-"

"Shut up Keeva, I'm fine." Veera said, tugging her arm out of her sisters grip. "It wasn't intentional."


"I'm fine." She insisted. "I just over-"

"You're not wearing your gloves." Keeva said suddenly, wide eyed.

"I noticed."

Keeva looks between her and Thorin. "Veera, are you sure-"


They stared at each other. The others were a little amazed, it had been the most they'd heard Veera talk in one go.

Veera climbed onto the back of the pony as if proving a point. "See. Fine."

Keeva looked unconvinced, but let them be, moving over to Dwalin.

They started on their way again.

"So...this is what you've been keeping from the Company."

Veera shuddered, not used to Thorin's voice in her head.

"Yes. I thought we were the only ones that could do this."

"I can only do so through touch." Thorin said. "It appears yours works differently."

"It never used to." Veera thought with a sigh. "It is part of the reason Gandalf kept us away, because we seemed to stronger than whatever he's seen before. Keeva used to be-"

"What's up?"

They both tensed as Keeva's voice came through.

"Veera? You said my name, I assumed you wanted to talk."

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