Kili ~ Charge 3

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Despite the dwarves reluctance to accept help from the elves, they all found Rivendell a nice reprief.

Dwalin had been left particularly shaken, Emilyssia having been placed on the trolls spit next to him and then having taken a bite from a warg when they were escaping from the pack.  Kili had saved her with a quick shot from his bow, so the damage was minimal, but it didn't mean that Dwalin was any less worried.

Her armour had prevented any serious wound, but there was still some puncture wounds that dwalin made sure were quickly cleaned and bandaged.

"Pa, I'm fine."  Emilyssia grumbled.  "They are just scratches."

Dwalin tightens the bandage on her arm.  "That's not the point, it could've been a lot worse.  It could still get worse if we are not careful."

She refrained from rolling her eyes and just letting him tend to the wound.

The next few days, Dwalin would check on her wound morning and night, Emilyssia rolling her eyes each time until she finally told him off.

"Pa, if you so much as look at this wound again I'll show you exactly how wounded I am with my axe."  She growled as he came up to her again one morning.

Dwalin blinked at her but this just caused her to huff and storm away.

Thorin had seen this and he watches Dwalin.  "You still need to talk to her."

Dwalin scowls at him.  "So you keep reminding me."

"The longer you leave it, the harder it will be."

"I know Thorin."  Dwalin turned away.  "Let me raise my own daughter."

Emilyssia spent her time with Fili and Kili in Rivendell, she didn't say anything, but she felt funny here, and that was the only way she could describe it.

It was a few days before they were to leave when Dwalin called her over.  As she approached, she saw Lord Elrond was with him.

She pauses, looking between the two.  "Is everything alright Pa?"

Dwalin nods.  "We just want to talk Emilyssia."

She follows them to a small room, where Elrond sits and Dwalin begins to pace, looking anxious.

His anxiety was passing over to her.  "Pa, what is wrong?"

Dwalin draws in a deep breath and sighs.  "Emilyssia, there is something I should've told you a long time ago and I am still debating whether or not to tell you."

"It is necessary."  Elrond said quietly.

Dwalin shoots him a dark look.  "So you and Thorin keep telling me."

"If what you have told me is true, then she needs to understand."  Elrond's voice was calm as he surveyed Dwalin.  "These is no shame in this."

Dwalin muttered something about interfering elves before his gaze rests on Emilyssia, who was watching nervously.

"Emilyssia..."  Dwalin sighs.  "Your mother always wanted to be the one to explain things to you, after she passed...I guess I just didn't really know how to tell you."  He rubs the back of his neck.

"Tell me what?"  She asked quietly.

"Your grandmother, your mother's mother, she...well, she was an elf Emilyssia, meaning you mother was half elven, meaning you are also part elven."  Dwalin stumbled a little, as if he didn't want to say those words, but he watches her earnestly.

"Right..."  Emilyssia takes this in slowly, unsure of what to think about what her father was telling her.  "And what exactly does that mean for me Pa?"

Dwalin looked at Elrond, who was watching her reaction.  "It means that you could have certain abilities from your elvish blood, certain elemental magic, such as avoiding to get burnt from a fired a fire."

Emilyssia stares at him.  "But...I just missed the fire."

Dwalin shakes his head.  "No Emilyssia, you landed directly on it, we all saw.  I had...I had hoped that I'd never have to explain anything to you, Thorin never liked that, but I only wanted to protect you from the prejudice of our people.  Your mother got enough of that as it was."

She was unsure how to take this, shuffling on her feet.  "So, what does this mean?"

Dwalin shrugs.  "Nothing if you do not want it to."

But Elrond frowns.  "No, if she does indeed have a certain talent, she will have to learn."

He folds his arms.  "And is she going to do that?  None of us can teach her."

Elrond's gaze was calm though.  "A lot of our abilities just come from focus.  As a warrior, she should already know that."

Dwalin huffs.  "We don't have time-"

"There is always time.  In the few remaining days you are staying, I can help her understand."  Elrond's gaze turned to her.  "If she wants too of course."

Emilyssia felt she was close to tears but held it together well.  "How could you never tell me this?"  She asked Dwalin.  "Pa, how could you never explain this?"

Dwalin sighs.  "I didn't want to see you get hurt."

"Hurt by what?"  Her voice broke and she shook her head, fighting the emotions down.  "Pa, this was important."

"I know," Dwalin mumbled.  "You know I've never been good at these type of things though, and it has only been till now that anything has come through."

Emilyssia folded her arms over herself, trying to calm herself further.  "That's besides the point Pa, this was important."

"I'm sorry Emilyssia.  I should've told you."

She looks to Elrond.  "Can...can I think on it."

Elrond nods and she turned and left the room, Dwalin looking despairingly after her.

"She will be alright," Elrond said next to him.  "She just needs a little time."

Kili was the first to find her several hours later, she hadn't turned up to dinner so several of them went looking.


She looked up as Kili approached, she'd sat herself in the far back of the garden, out of view from any passer-bys.  There was a large pile of grass around her that she'd been clearly pulling out from the ground.

"Hey Kili."  She said softly.

"You okay?"  He sits next to her.  "You weren't at dinner."

Emilyssia stares at the ground.  "As well as I can be, given the circumstances."

Kili gives a gentle smile.  "You know he was only protecting you."

She sighs.  "I know.  It's all he's ever done.  I just wish I didn't have to find out like this."  She hesitates.  "It explains why your uncle doesn't like me."

Kili tilts his head.  "He's alright with you."

She shakes her head.  "No Kili, we all know he doesn't like me, you don't have to protect me from that."

He wraps an arm around her.  "I'm sorry Emilyssia."

"It's not your fault."

Kili was glad that she didn't look at him in that moment, his expression guilty for a moment, so he clears his throat.  "Aren't you hungry?"

"A little."

"Why don't we go get something to eat then?"

Emilyssia sighs.  "I guess.  I guess it would also do some good to talk to Elrond, if he is the only one that can help then I need to spend all the time I can with him before we go."

He gives her a warm smile.  "You'll be great.  I know it."

She returns his smile, even though it was a little hesitant.  "Thanks Kili."

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