Legolas ~ Ranger

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You rolled your eyes at the elf. "If you stopped thinking you were so superior, you might actually enjoy something."

He frowns at you. "I do not think that I am superior."

"So then, it is just a friendly competition is it not?"

"Maybe so, but I shall still win."

"So prove it."

Legolas stares at what you had provided as the target, the rest of the fellowship watching as Legolas thought about what to do about your challenge. He knew you were a good shot, but he also knew he was too.

"Out of three then?" He tried to ask it casually, but it didn't fool anyone.

He was nervous.

You smirked, preferring it that way. "Sure. If you think you can manage it."

"Honestly Y/N, I'm more worried about you managing it." He says and lines up his first shot.

Sure enough, it was a direct hit.

"I've been shooting arrows my whole life, same as you. Just because you are older does not mean you are better." You took your own shot, virtually splitting his arrow in two.

Legolas frowns at this and quickly takes a second shot, his arrow taking out yours.

You let out a low whistle. "Almost thought you wouldn't manage."

"Your shot." He grunts.

Smiling, you take your second shot with an easy grace, making the split of arrows look easy.

"Well, it's two all. Lets see if you can make it to three." You were grinning from ear to ear, making Aragorn roll his eyes from behind Legolas.

Legolas's entire focus was on the target. He was not going to let you win.

He fired.

And went slightly left.

He stares, his arrow touching yours but not having split it.

"How interesting," You said, still grinning. "So, should I hit yours or mine?"

Legolas grumbles something under his breath that you don't catch, instead, you take your last shot, your arrow slicing through your other one.

"Well, good match Legolas, but it looks like I won." You laugh at his solemn expression. "Don't take it so seriously my friend, you may win next time."

Still grumbling, he retrieves his arrow from the tree and storms off.

"Have you ever thought he doesn't like being beaten, Y/N?" Aragorn asked as you retrieved your own arrow.

"No one likes being beaten, but this good for him." You sat back in your place by the fire, where you had been when you issued the challenge to the elf prince. "Being brought down a peg or two by a ranger will help him."

Aragorn shakes his head. The two of you had been friends for a long time, you just a few years older than he. When you had found out about his lineage, you had sworn to protect him at any cost.

So of course, you joined him on the quest.

You had already known Legolas from journeying with Aragorn before, and you knew as well as anyone, that he liked you.

You'd been oblivious at first, but once Aragorn brought it to your attention after you had made a slightly inappropriate comment to the elf, you had noticed it a lot.

Aragorn had simply told you to say that you weren't interested, but the truth was, you were. You just didn't know how to tell Legolas that.

So you continued to be your competitive, normal self.

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