Kili ~ Alone 6

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Everything felt so loud.

Freya had grown up on stories of the wars past, had listened with wide eyes and her father would tell her the tales, cheering and gasping in all the right places.

Now she knew it was all for show, all to keep a child's imagination running.

War was loud.

Freya's ears rang as steel clashed on steel, as men and elves cried and shouted while orcs screeched in fury.

She knew her hands should be shaking, but she was so stuck in the thick of it she had little time to worry.  She knew she should be wincing in pain every time she took a step, but everything was moving too fast, she didn't have time to worry about wounds.

The battlefield was loud and everything was slowly turning red.

Freya slid under the swing of an orc, just missing her head before leaping, her sword burying deep into another orc that was heading for a a dwarf, who turned with a look of battle fury, stopping short with his hammer swing as he saw her.

"Hope you know what you're doing."  She said loudly before letting herself dash back into the battle.

There was so little time to think that Freya almost didn't hear the call to retreat, she was so caught up in weaving between the dwarves, elves and orcs, so caught up in the sounds, the pain, the need to survive, that almost nothing got through.

Then someone had knocked her off her feet.

"Fall back to the gates!"

The words rang in Freya's ears and she scrambles to her feet, breathing hard and watching the dwarves start to pull back, watching the grimaces of pain, the cries of fear, and she bit back a sob, stabbing more orcs as she followed after them.

Freya found herself next to the same dwarf from earlier.

"You got some guts there lass." He breathed hard and it was only now that she took a moment to look at him.  "Even for an elf."

"I'm not just an elf," She growled.  "I'm also a dwarf, and I wouldn't mind, Dain, if you kept your opinions to yourself."

Dain blinks at her before a small chuckle leaves him.  "Well, at least the dwarf comes through."

A horn got their attention, making Freya wince more, her ears pounding from all the noise that had been happening.

Then, a large gold bell crashed loudly through the makeshift wall, making them all turn and Freya's heart pound.

There they all were, following behind Thorin into battle, she caught a brief glimpse of Kili before there were cries around her and then they were all charging back into battle.

It all seemed harder now, more desperate, and Freya couldn't ignore the shake in her hands, almost causing her to drop her blade as she defended herself against an oncoming orc, which tried again and again, Freya just hanging on, not used to this desperation.

There was a cry and then the orc was dropping to the ground, Freya staring at it, breathing hard.


She looked up, having just enough time to recognise Kili before he was on her, locking her in a desperate, messy kiss that she returned equally.

Kili pulled away, his face flushed as he grasped her face between his hands.  "Are you okay?"

Freya nods.  "Yeah, are you?"

Kili grins.  "Better now."  He then takes her hand.  "Come on."

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