Beorn ~ Little

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Based on two imagines found here:

And here:

I blinked at the giant of a man before me, entirely sure I had misheard him.

"You what?"

A low grumble rumbles through his chest, one that peaks my own bear's ears up. "I cannot allow you to leave."

I stare at him and then a smile twitches to my lips. "Sure. Right. Like I'm going to believe you."

But his gaze does not leave mine. "I am being serious little one. I will not have you out there alone again."

I fold my arms. "I know we did not meet in the best of circumstances-"

"You were barely alive when I find you."

"Don't be dramatic. I was a little wounded-"

"And being hunted down by orcs."

"Which I still helped you handle."

Beorn grumbles again. It was true, we hadn't met on the best of terms. I'd been out in the wilds, practically running blindly from the pack of orcs following me. I was very injured at this point, a deep sword gash to my leg and several arrows in my body were slowing me down greatly.

That was when I had run into Beorn.


I'd smacked right into his tall form, being so focused on running that I hadn't even seen him, and landed very hard on the ground, cursing as pain had burst through my leg.

He had hardly felt the impact, he simply stared down at me, a frown on his face.

"You are very wounded little one." He'd said.

"Really? I hadn't noticed?" I had growled, struggling back to my feet. "Also, I'm being hunted, so as much as the talking is nice..." I'd started to hobble away, hoping to regain my momentum and break into a run again.

But he had caught my arm.

"Who is hunting you?"

As if on queue, an orc horn sounded.

Panic filled my expression. "I need to go." I tugged on my arm, but his grip just tightened and I looked at him half terrified.

But there was no fear in his gaze.

Only anger.

It gave me pause and that was long enough for the orcs to catch up.

We were quickly surrounded.

I shrunk against Beorn, my body exhausted and very weak.

Beorn's gaze glared down the orcs. "If you wish to live this night, I suggest you turn and return to your masters."

The orcs just jeered at us and approached.

It had taken me a second to register the growl going through Beorn and another to realise that his form was changing. I had stared in shock as the great bear landed on all fours and then charged at the orcs, their shrieks filling the air.

But as the fight raged on, I knew that he needed help. These orcs had been trained to fight skinchangers, and by the wounds that Beorn was taking, I knew if I didn't, we would both be in the same situation.

So, I let my own bear out.

It had hurt, the injuries taking their toll even as I charged in to help, the orcs shrieks louder.

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