Kili ~ Charge 5

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It was shaky journey for Emilyssia, from running from orcs, to then riding on eagles, to more running to stay ahead of the orcs and then out running a bear. It left little time for her to think, but enough time for her to realise that maybe she wasn't entirely cut out for all this.

She had never felt this tired before.

Sitting alone outside Beorn's house, she watched the sun set on another day and really wished that she could be safe at home.

She couldn't deny she hated the feeling, feeling like she was letting Dwalin down. That, and being gifted with the use of fire, she really felt like she didn't fit in anymore.

Sighing, she rested her head on her knees, wanting to sleep, but knowing that the others would still be awake and several of them would see through the facade she would put up.


Jumping, she looked up, expecting it to be Dwalin or Fili or Kili, instead, she was very surprised to see Thorin standing there.

He looked concerned. "Are you alright?"

Emilyssia blinked and then nodded quickly. "Of course. Just...just enjoying the sunset."

Thorin raises an eyebrow, clearly unconvinced. "I see. There are much better places to watch it though."

"Well, I just wanted to sit here. Is that alright?" She hadn't meant to ask it so rudely, but him being there was just something that she did not need.

He clearly didn't approve of this, but he overlooks it. "Look Emilyssia, I realise that this is all very new to you, that you are scared," She tenses. "But I also know, between both your mother and father's stubbornness, that you are strong. Do not let it overcome you so easily."

Emilyssia looks at Thorin, having not entirely expected something like this from him, and she swore than something almost like a smile tugged at the corner of his mouth.

"They think you need time, and while partly true, I also think you need words of encouragement." He gives a small bow. "I may not always be overly kind to you, but that does not make me heartless."

Emilyssia watches, still in shock, as he walks away, leaving her alone and to her thoughts once again.

She wasn't about to admit it to anyone, but Thorin's words did improve her mood, and she soon found herself back with the others, still quieter than normal, but realising that none of them held it against her, things were quickly returning to normal.

Dwalin, with Beorn's help, had fixed her axe for her, something she was very relieved about and feeling even better once it was back in her hands.

She hadn't said a word about Thorin coming to her.

It wasn't long before she was asking when they would move again.

Dwalin smiled wryly at her. "Good to see you finally back on your feet."

Emilyssia returned his smile. "Well, I can only sulk so long, right?"

He grips her shoulder momentarily. "That's my girl." He then kisses the top of her head as she beams, any thoughts of him being disappointed finally disappearing.

The other one who had gone quiet, was Kili, and even when she picked up again, he did not.

Fili was the only one who noticed, as he mostly hid it around the others.

"You know, if you don't say anything, nothing is going to happen." Fili said to him knowingly on their last night there.

Kili shoots him an exasperated look. "Like you would understand."

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