Colours 4

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Lili would forever be grateful for the help of the elves. They set her leg, making sure she was comfortable with it, and gave her plenty of herbs to ease the pain.

She couldn't seem to thank them enough but they just laughed, glad that at least one of the dwarves were polite.

It took a few days but she could eventually walk on it, and by walk is was a heavy limp, and even that was only small doses at a time.

Thorin, Fili and Kili were always around to help her if she needed, but it usually only returned her to moods of when she wasn't allowed to do anything, which, of course, she could do little now with a broken leg.

Her other companion, often by her side when her family was not, was Bilbo.

Fili and Kili had decided to ask her about the hobbit.

"So, you and Bilbo, what's that about?" Kili asks innocently one night.

Lili, who was busy straightening out her splint a bit, looks at him with a slight frown.

"What do you mean?"

The brothers share a look.

"He seems to spend an awful amount of time with you Lili." Fili says.

"So? We are friends."

"Friends that spend a lot of time together?"

Lili looks between them and then folds her arms. "Look you two, just because Bilbo and I talk a lot doesn't mean there is anything between us. For Mahal's sake, you two need to grow up a little."

"There she goes, going all mother on us again."

"Lili, your eyes change whenever you talk about him."

This takes her back a little. "What?"

Her brothers nod. "They get like a pink tinge to them."

"They do not." She denies and then waves her hand at them. "If you are going to be like this, then leave me alone, I'm too tired."

"It wasn't us that noticed it first Lil, it was Uncle." Fili says. "We heard him mention it to Dwalin."

"Well, I don't know what you are talking about." She says seriously and refuses to say another word on the matter to them.

The dwarves knew that they could not stay too long in Rivendell, but with Lili's leg, even with elven magic healing it, they knew it would be no easy task for her to continue.

And there was no way that Thorin was going to leave her behind.

So they built a stronger and sturdier splint for her and a one armed crutch. She wasn't happy about it but when the option was given that it was that or being carried, she accepted it.

And so, sneaking out of Rivendell, they returned to the wilds, Gandalf insisting they go ahead.

Lili was kept near the front with Thorin or with her brothers, but all of them often helping out as much as they could. At one point, as the path started to rise and there was a particularly difficult part and Thorin and her brothers had already made it through, Dwalin had to pick her up, even against her protest, to carry her up that part until the ground flattened out once more.

That night they made an early camp so they could rise early too. Lili was also exhausted, her wound taking a tole on her, making her want to eat little. Thorin sat her next to him and made sure she ate, saying she needed to keep up her energy, and reluctantly, she did.

Almost as soon as dinner finished though, Thorin looks at her and sees her eyes drooping. She was fighting off sleep, but barely.

"Come here Lili." He says softly, opening his arm to her and with no resistance, she curls up into him and falls quickly asleep, Thorin fingers gently brushing through her hair.

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