Legolas ~ Left

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I tapped my foot impatiently, this council taking much too long.

Legolas gave me a sidelong glance and lightly cleared his throat.

I stopped immediately and gritted my teeth a little.  Decisions shouldn't be made quickly, I knew that, but that didn't mean I had to like how long it was taking.

I almost jumped for joy when Frodo made the decision about the ring, and I was quick to join along side Legolas.

"You sure you're up for this?"  He asked later.

I scoffed at him.  "Legolas, I have been trained just as well as you dear."

He smiled.  "I know, even if you are opposite."

"If I recall correctly, that was part of the reason you fell in love with me."

Legolas rolls his eyes. "Oh be still my beating heart."

I laughed.  "You'll thank me one day."

The journey started easy enough, although it was clear the hobbits weren't used to such travels.  Gimli was naturally distrustful of Legolas and I, but we didn't let it affect us.  More than a few nights, we found ourselves pulled in close around the fire, listening to the tales that each of us could share.

One night, it was asked how Legolas and I had met.

I beamed at Merry, who had asked,  as Legolas rolled his eyes.

"Well, it's because of how I shoot."  There was more than a few confused looks at this, so I stood and drew my bow with ease.  "See?"

They clearly didn't see, so Legolas stood with a sigh and stood in front of me, drawing his bow.

"Now do you see?"  He asked.

Sure enough, now that we were facing each other, they could tell.

I was still smiling.  "He had to look at me a lot see, he didn't have much of a choice."

Legolas let himself down. "The same could be said for you, you know?"

I too, let my bow down.  "No.  I don't give into distractions."

Legolas rolled his eyes.  "Essentially, we trained together, and over time, we got together."

"Over time?  Huh, not exactly how I would put it."  I smirked at him and none missed the blush that rose on his cheeks.

"It was."  He said quickly.

"Several hours."  I grinned.  "He was taken very quickly."

Legolas muttered something that sounded like 'it wasn't several hours', but it was clear he didn't mean it as he shuffled awkwardly on his feet, some of the others laughing.

"He asked to court me as soon as the session was done."  I couldn't help but chuckle.  "But it was a jumble of words, so I didn't exactly understand.  I gave him an odd look and walked off."

Legolas looked at me.  "So I improved the next time.  If I recall, you weren't overly sure what to do with all those flowers."

"I still wonder how you got them all in the first place." I mused.  "And your father certainly didn't seem to appreciate it."

"Because they were his flowers."  Legolas said sheepishly.  "I...well, I did go a little over board on his garden."

I beamed at him and looked at the others.  "We've been together ever since."

"That's adorable."  Aragorn chuckles and then laughs harder as Legolas's face turns red.  "You two truly are lucky."

"It hasn't all been smooth sailing."  I said.  "It took a long time to convince Thranduil."

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