Book ~ Epilogue

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I pulled haphazardly at my gown, the material so different from what I was used to and certainly not as comfortable as I would have liked.

The maid in my service sighed and once again straightened it out.

"If you keep tugging at it my lady, you will keep upsetting it." She said for the upteenth time, annoyance starting to tinge her words.

"Well, if I was allowed my simple dress-"

"You are getting married my lady, to our king, if you think a simple dress would suite the occasion..." She let the words hang.

"I know, I know." I grumble. "Forgive me for being nervous."

"About what my lady? You love him and he loves you, you have nothing to be worried about."

I pout slightly as she returns to my hair, something she had been doing before I'd upset the dress again. "Yes well, did you ever think there was a reason I shut myself in the library?"

"Because you wanted to write."

"Partly. I'm also not overly good at dealing with others."

"You are talking to me just fine."

"Because there are only one of you."

She smiles behind me. "Do not worry my lady, I'm sure all your attention will be on your king."

I still wasn't used to that. Many of the elves talked about him being mine and me being his, but the whole thing was still very strange to me, afterall, I had never expected to fall in love with a king.

"All done." She said, beaming. "Now, let us get you to your king."

I stared at myself in the mirror, hardly recognising myself. I had never been so dressed up in all my life, something that was even more daunting.

As I was unable to say anything, the maid took my hand, still smiling, and led me from the room.

It looked like it was going to be now or never.

Who would've thought that long months in the library, simply imagining this happening to others that did not exist, that I too, would be married.

I was led to the hall, where I froze at all the eyes suddenly on me.

I felt my face burning.

Then my eyes met Thranduil's and nothing else seemed to matter.

Standing there in an elegant green robe, the colour matching my dress, all trimmed with gold, he looked more handsome than I had ever seen him. Just the look was enough to take my breath away.

And I knew by his smile, I was the same for him.

I approached, suddenly uncaring of all the eyes on me, and he took my hand, placing a lingering kiss on the back of it as he smiled at me.

"Are you ready melda?" He asked quietly.

"More ready than I have ever been meleth." I replied, beaming at him, all thoughts of nerves gone.

"Then let us be done with this ridiculous ceremony so I can have you all to myself." A temporary smirk played across his lips, one that never failed to make me blush.

"I don't think I've ever been happier with any words you've said to me." I stifled a giggle as the celebrant approached.

"Just focus on me melda, no one else here matters." He straightens up, his fingers entwining with mine.

I was positively giddy now, with a mix of nerves and excitement. It all seemed like a blur and soon, Thranduil was more than eagerly pressing his lips into mine, and I very eagerly returning the kiss.

The sounds of the elves cheering was nothing to the rushing beat of my own heart.

"You are mine." He growls playfully, nipping my bottom lip.

"I am." I giggle. "I guess that means you want me to write your own story now? Especially with such a happy ending."

He loops his arm around my waist as he leads me from the hall, the elves around us clapping.

"The happy ending comes later dear." The smirk had very much returned. "For now melda, let us celebrate."

Writing was the furthest thing from my mind that night. With food, drink and song to be had, as well as a very distracting husband, I had no need to lose myself in another world.

This one was just perfect.

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