Connected 4

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Keeva stared between Thorin and Veera, today had been the first day that Veera had easily gotten off the pony herself, colour still in her cheeks and a small smile directed at Thorin.

Keeva didn't like it one bit.

They weren't sitting together in camp, but she knew they were talking.

"Are you really going to keep staring?"  Veera's voice came.

"I don't like it."  Keeva growled.  "He makes me uneasy."

"It's fine Keeva, I can take care of myself."  Veera muses softly

Keeva snorts, earning an odd glance from Fili and Kili who were sitting next to her.

Veera rolls her eyes on the other side of camp and gets up, moving to join her.  "You are being childish."

"Childish?"  Keeva said in a hushed voice.  "Veera, don't you find it strange that we suddenly find someone else that can do what we do, but Gandalf doesn't know?"

Veera shakes her head.  "No, because if we had it our way, no one would know."

Keeva couldn't argue with that and it just annoyed her more.

"It'll be fine."  Veera said and then she smiles.  "Besides, I'm surprised you aren't more interested in Dwalin."

Keeva choked and shot a glare at Veera, only to catch a glance of Thorin too, who was trying to hide a smile.

"That's not funny."  Keeva growls and then gets to her feet.  "I'm going for a walk."

"Shout if you need me."  Veera waves her off.

Keeva stomps away, leaving Veera still smiling.

"Will she be alright on her own?"  Thorin asked, slightly concerned.

"Keeva is more capable than what she looks at times, trust me."   Veera said easily.  "Besides,"  They both watch as Dwalin gets up and walks into the surrounding forest too.  "Looks like she won't be entirely alone."

They shared another smile.

Keeva hit the tree hard with her axe, determined to make the biggest dent possible.  With a growl, she pulls it out and hits it again, blocking Veera out so she can curse her and Thorin.

Heavy footfalls approach and she quickly tugs her axe out of the tree to turn and face who approaches.

She wasn't impressed when it was Dwalin.

Dwalin looks at her and then to the axe.  "You intending on attacking me?"

Keeva snorts and slowly lowers her axe.  "I might, depends on why you followed me."

He stares at her.  "I didn't."

"Right."  She swings her axe hard back into the tree, this time a chunk flying off.  "Then leave me be."

But Dwalin doesn't move.

Keeva sighs and folds her arms.  "What is it Dwalin?"

Dwalin responds by folding his own arms.  "I'm wondering what your and your sister's problem is."

"We don't have a problem."  She said sternly.  "And even if we did I don't see how it is your concern."

"Stubborn woman."  She heard Dwalin growl in his head and tried to ignore it.  "Look, whatever it is, we only want to help.  It sounds like you haven't had much help over the years, and I would hardly call Gandalf good help."

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