Thorin ~ Magic 3

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Kesia still hadn't rejoined the Company when they were captured by trolls, of which Thorin was silently glad of as they were tied up and forced to listen as to how the trolls were going to cook them, none of which were pleasant.

There was a sigh in his ear and he felt her presence enter his mind.

How on Earth did you manage to get captured by trolls?

We had to save the burglar.



Bilbo. I hardly think he appreciates being called the burglar all the time, just as I'm sure you wouldn't want to be called the king, or the stubborn, broody dwarf all the time.

Thorin got annoyed at this. Is this really an appropriate time to be having this conversation? Why don't you make yourself useful and come and save us?

If I would I could, but I'm still too far to do much, so you are on your own. She pauses. Where is Gandalf?

He didn't get a chance to respond as she saw his memory.

You really are a stubborn, broody dwarf.

One can hardly blame me when dealing with you and the damned wizard. He growled back and he could feel her roll her eyes.

Look, Gandalf may turn up to save you, but in the meantime I would recommend trying to stall for time lest you end up as dinner. I can't imagine anyone wants that.

Thorin wants to retort but at that moment, Bilbo managed to get up and start talking to them.

Braver than he looks.

Thorin tries to shut her out but she won't budge, just making him more irritated.

Hey, I have to at least make sure you guys make it through, otherwise there's no point in coming back right?

Can you be any more insensitive?

I could, but then that would take the fun out of it.

Thorin scowls and returns his attention to Bilbo, who was saying all sorts of ridiculous things to the trolls and almost making the situation worse.

Kesia sighs in his ear. He's biding you time.

As soon as she said it, Thorin realised this and kicks the others near him.

Luckily, even as the trolls realised to, Gandalf caught up and saved them.

Gandalf was grumbling a lot as he untied their sacks, one sentence however was said a touch too loud.

"If Kesia was here she could've helped prevent this."

Kesia still hadn't left Thorin and a string of curse words were let out as anger bubbled back up.

Tell the old man to bite me.



You two need to sort out your own issues, preferably without dragging me into it.

Says the one so eager to defend me the other night.

She shut him off violently and Thorin winced as he got to his feet, Gandalf watching him closely.

"You were talking to her then."

Thorin looks at the wizard and frowns. "Your point?"

Gandalf says nothing, looking thoughtful for a moment before moving to help the others.

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