Fili ~ Lost

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It was unseasonably cold for this time of year, and you were now regretting not listening to your mother and taking your coat.

On top of that, you were helplessly lost.

You thought you knew the area pretty well by now, but your current predicament told you otherwise.

With an impatient huff, you blew strands of hair from your eyes. If you could just find a landmark, you'd be right.

Easier said than done.

A little over an hour later, you realised you had yet again walked in a large circle.

"Mahal have mercy on me." You grumbled in apprehension, rubbing your arms to try and keep them warm.

"What do you think, should we help her Fili?"

The voice made you turn and you saw two young dwarves sitting high up on a rock, looking down on you.

You folded yours arms. "And how long exactly have you two been watching me?"

They both smiled. "Long enough to know you are lost, fair maiden."

You snort, it was no secret as to who these two were, the dwarf princes, Fili and Kili, known troublemakers and womanisers.

"Well, for your information I am not lost." You denied, looking around and hoping now more than ever that the way back would come to you. "So you little princes can leave me be."

But they laughed, both of them sliding down to join you.

"Please, we meant no disrespect my lady." The older one of the two, Fili, bowed, his blonde hair gleaming in the light. "We weren't aware you were lost at first, not until you returned here."

Kili, his much darker hair a mess compared to his brothers, was grinning widely. "That, and when you kept looking around all the time. Almost thought you were up to something."

Fili shoots him a look as you glare at him. "Don't mind him, he just doesn't know when to be serious."

You look between them. "Serious or not, I am not lost."

With that, you turn on your heel and start to walk.

"If you wish to return home by nightfall, you are going the wrong way."

With a breath of annoyance and impatience, you turn back to the dwarf princes.

"Fine, I'm lost, can you help me?"

This seemed to make them both very happy, Kili more so as he gives an elaborate, mocking bow.

"Of course dear maiden, we would be honoured to help the damsel in distress." He says.

With a look of pure annoyance at the prince, you pulled the knife from you belt and threw it, barely missing Kili's head and lodging in the tree behind him.

Both of them looked at you stunned, the grins wiped from their faces.

"That was impressive." Fili said slowly as you walked past to retrieve your knife.

"What are you talking about, I missed." You sheath the knife and turn back to them, folding your arms. "Now, I may be lost, but I more than capable of defending myself. You can either just point me in the right direction or walk with me, the choice is yours."

But the brothers were fascinated now, it wasn't everyday that they learnt a dwarven woman was good with weapons, especially one that was around their own ages. That was how you found yourself walking back to town with them, chatting contentedly.

Kili seemed eager to know more about you, while Fili stayed a bit quieter.

"Where did you learn to do that?" He asked eagerly.

"My father taught me, seeing as woman are becoming rarer, he felt it necessary for me to know how to defend myself in case something should happen." You said, happy to now be heading home. "I can wield knives, swords and axes quite well."

"It's a shame other families don't look at it like that." Kili said with a look of wonder on his face. "I thought he'd be more interested in teaching your brothers though?"

"Brothers?" You asked with a raised eyebrow. "I wasn't aware that you could just make an assumption like that, for it is only me."

They both stared.

"You are an only child?"


They looked dumbfounded.

"And you are just let to roam around the hills by yourself?"

"I can defend myself."

"That's not the point." The brothers shared a look. "No one should be out here by themselves, especially not a woman, there are too many dangers."

"I do this nearly everyday."

This seemed to horrify them and again they shared a look, this time with a nod.

"Well, we can't allow that anymore. Anytime you wish to go wondering the wilds, we will go with you."

"That is not-"

"We want to." Fili insisted. "And we will not take no for an answer."

Seeing the look on both their faces, you roll your eyes. "Don't you two have some princely duties to attend to? Instead of wasting time to follow me through the woods that is."

"Uncle will understand." Fili said. "He would not allow for such a thing to happen either."

"Plus he knows what having a bad sense of direction is like." Kili chuckles. "That's why Dwalin follows him everywhere."

The brothers laugh and you find yourself growing appreciative of their company, it made a nice change from just your parents or your lone wanderings for a change.

You sigh in defeat. "Very well, if you two insist."

They grin and you smile back, you couldn't help it, it was infectious.

A cold wind blew around then, and for the first time since the brothers had found you, you remembered why you were trying to get home in the first place.

You rubbed your arms against the cold.


You looked at Fili as he took off his warm coat and placed it around your shoulders, the warmth was welcoming, but you couldn't help but feel slightly embarrassed.

"What about you?"

He just shrugs and keeps walking, Kili starting to talk animatedly again. You knew that life was certainly going to be more interesting with them around, and putting your arms through the sleeves of Fili's coat and pulling it tight around you, you decided you didn't mind.

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