Haldir ~ Please

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This is based on three imagines found here:  http://imaginexhobbit.tumblr.com/post/100080355779/imagine-haldir-kissing-you-in-the-rain-during-the



You needed some time.

It had been so frustrating these last few years, mostly because you had come to know your true feelings but it didn't feel right to confess them.

The truth was, you were in love.

And the other, more painful truth, was that it was with your best friend.

You and Haldir had grown up together, had been best friends for years, he had even taught you to use a bow.  It had taken a lot of complaining on your behalf, because while you were natural with a sword, a bow proved to be something of a challenge.  He had agreed, both tired and amused of your complaining, and patiently taught you how to shoot until you had managed to get decent at it.

And now this was how you calmed yourself.

Lately, because of the frustrations of your feelings, you spent hours in front of a target just firing arrow after arrow, as if this would help rid yourself of the empty feeling every time you thought of the other elf.

You knew that Haldir could only think of you as a friend.

Tears pricked your eyes, but you ignored them and focused solely on the target ahead, determined not to let this get to you like this and push it all aside.

The truth was, was that had you been paying attention to the things around you, you would have felt eyes watching you.

Haldir, having known you were frustrated at something, had been meaning to talk to you about it when you moved away like this, but as he watched you focused like this, he came to his own realisation.

He loved you.

It had started as a thought about how much he cared for you, having known you for so long and that he couldn't bare to see you hurt, and then slowly, he was still unsure how, it developed into a thought of how he didn't want to be without you by his side.

And now he didn't know how to approach you about it.

Haldir knew that he should probably talk to you about what was upsetting you, but this had become his new concern, whether or not he could ever approach you about such a thing.

You had been best friends for so long.

You had fought together, had defended each other in battle and had tended to each others wounds.  You had shared tales, stories of when you were both younger and how you grew up, and made up equally ridiculous stories for each others amusement.  Shared meals, shared training, shared your love for the forest.

It only seemed natural that you could possibly share a life together.

If he just asked, he would probably find out what was ailing you, as you were in such a state by the end of each session (although you told yourself it helped) that you would just tell him, most likely by screaming and shouting.

And so this cycle continued, you would step away sometimes, clearly upset and frustrated, retrieve your bow and go and train for a few hours.  Haldir would follow and watch, thinking over the ways he could bring it up to you but still never act on it.

It seemed all too late when you were called to Helms Deep together in a battle that could easily mean both your deaths.

As you marched together, he glanced at you side on.

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