Connected 10

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Veera had never felt so sick before.

The goblin tunnels had all but made her collapse, even Keeva suffering, and if it hadn't been for the other dwarves, she wouldn't have made it out.

She grumbled at the edge of camp, having been there since they had made their way down from the Carrock, having not long finished being sick in the nearby bushes.  She was still shaking, which wasn't helping her mood at all.


"Still not the time."

Thorin was watching her from the edge of camp, worried.  She had passed out on the eagles, he couldn't tell whether it was because of him or not, but he knew straight away when she was woken up that everything was not okay.

Keeva wasn't much better, sitting looking pale on a log in front of the small fire that had been built, she hadn't said much since Azog and his forces had appeared, and she had even less to say now, and despite their fighting, it was clear that Dwalin was worried too.

Thorin came back to camp, knowing that Veera needed to be on her own, and sat next to Dwalin.

"It certainly could've gone better."  Dwalin said gruffly.

Thorin nods.  "Tell me about it.  Between almost being tortured by goblins and then roasted or dropped off a cliff by Azog, it has not been a good few days."

Dwalin was watching Keeva.  "Will they be alright?"

Thorin has no answer to this and Dwalin glances at him.

"I'm sure they are."  Dwalin said quickly.  "They've proven themselves enough."

"Are you only saying that because she managed to hit you?"

"No," Dwalin whinces.  "And that hurt by the way."

Thorin gives a small smile.  "Well, you deserved it."

Dwalin knew it, but he wasn't about to admit it outloud.  While Thorin and Veera had been very open about their connection with each other, Keeva and Dwalin had learnt to shut each other off.

But it didn't stop the occasional thing coming through.

Keeva had felt Dwalin panic when she had disappeared from sight in the goblin tunnels.

And Dwalin had felt her relief when he stood up unharmed after their fall after killing the goblin king.

Neither of them still wanted to admit though.

She'd hit him after he tried to order her up a tree, but he may have said it in such a way that it wasn't very polite.  He'd regretted his words immediately and then even more when she hit him, but he knew it was too late to take them back.

He continued to watch her.  Cautiously, he reached out through the connection they had.


Keeva's back tensed but she made no other move.  "What?"

"How are you feeling?"

She was silent a moment.  "Right better than Veera at the moment, that's for sure."  He felt her concern.  "You don't have to worry about me."

"Well Veera can't currently."  He grumbles.  "And seeing as you look like you're about to be sick if you so much as open your mouth, I might as well as put this to some use."

This makes her pause and she takes a moment to mull over his words.  "Thank you Dwalin, it is still not necessary though.  I just need some rest and then I'll be fine by morning."

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