Fili ~ Gold

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The voice stopped the guard as he went to close Fili's cell door and Fili turned impatiently, expecting some sort of scalding.

But he froze where he stood.

There you were, tall, elegant, and with a beauty that he couldn't even begin to describe. He was left breathless as you approached.

Your step was light as you looked down at the blonde dwarf, the guard keeping close, even as your fingers reached forward, brushing along the edge of his coat to grip the handle of the last knife hidden on his person.

You pulled it away, handing it to the guard. "I am glad I noticed."

Colour flooded the guards cheeks. "My lady, you should not be here. If your father knew-"

"He would what?" You ask lightly. "Take care of your prisoner guardsman, do not concern yourself with me."

Fili watched as you walked away, with an ease and grace he had never seen before. There was some irritation that you had found his last knife, but it was so drowned out at the moment that he did not care.

The guard roughly shoved him back into the cell and Fili silently cursed him while promising to get your name.

Night settled in and Fili was sitting in the back of his cell, his foot tapping impatiently.

Two voices got his attention and he silently moved forward to see Kili talking to the red headed elf from earlier. He scowls, but remains silent, and goes to return to the back of his cell.

"I take it you share the same opinion of elves as other dwarves?"

He stops, recognising your quiet voice from earlier. "Well, you are not doing much to change my opinion."

You were leaning against the wall next to the door of his cell, and you smiled. "I have no control of my father's orders, it is the sad inevitable truth."

Fili cautiously approached the door. "Your father is the King?"

You nod. "Yes."

Fili folds his arms. "I highly doubt your father would like you talking to me then."

You laugh and Fili feels a chill go through him, the sound hitting a part deep inside him.

"No, he would not, hence why I am doing it." You smile at Fili. "But that is of little concern tonight, he is too busy with the celebrations."

"Won't he miss your presence?"

"No." Fili watches as you look over at Kili and Tauriel, he sees a deep emotion in your eyes.

"Can I ask your name, my lady?" He asks before he can stop himself.

"Y/N." You say easily, giving a small smile. "I take it that is your brother?"

"He is."

You watch Tauriel, watch her fascination with Kili and the way she talks to him.

"Does it bother you?" Fili asked, following her gaze. "That they are talking?"

"No," You say quickly. "Unlike my father, I am not bothered by such a small thing as race. The feud is...old, and pointless. We are coming into a time where an alliance would be better."

"It is a shame, then, that you are not in charge." His eyes wonder to you again, unwilling to look away again.

"It is a shame that no one listens," You say softly. "I am always the gold little princess, the little girl still running through the halls." You sigh. "It is how it has been that way for many years. I am not even allowed beyond the doors."

This surprised him, but he says nothing.

You finally look away from Kili and Tauriel, your hand moving to your long coat. "Here." You pull out his knife from earlier, handing it to him through the bars.

Fili didn't take it at first, looking at you hesitantly. "Why are you giving me this?"

"It was well hidden, so I gather it means something." You say, still holding the knife out to him. "Plus the engravings on the hilt. If you ever got free of here, I wanted you to have it."

He takes the knife slowly, your fingers brushing against each other.

He stares at the blade then back at you with a frown. "Thank you."

You nod, with a slight bow. "I am happy to help."

Fili again, looks at the blade and then at you. "Why? Why help us?"



You both jump, Legolas storming towards you, Fili quickly hiding his knife.

"What do you think are doing?" He asks angrily.

"Talking to our prisoners, obviously." You say, holding yourself high.

"You are not meant to be here, Y/N." He says in elvish, glaring at Fili. "If father found out-"

"Hence why I am here now. I am capable of handling myself, Legolas, I do not need to be babied." You said, frustrated.

"I know," He says with a gentleness that surprises Fili. "If he would see that, you would stop being rebellious. But you still need caution."

"I hardly think that he will do anything behind bars." You said, looking at Fili. "So you have little to worry about."

Legolas looked less than pleased with your response. "Please Y/N, let us go and return to the celebrations."

"Why? So I can be tired of fathers dotage of me? No Legolas, not tonight, not anymore." With a final nod at Fili, you turn and walk away, Fili leaning against the bars to watch you leave.

Legolas sighs, giving a look back to Tauriel and Kili, before following.

It was after the dwarves escaped and it was found that Tauriel had gone after them, that it was also discovered that you had gone.

Thranduil was furious.

Tauriel was most surprised when she found you out on the path to Laketown.

"Lady Y/N? What are you doing out here?" She breathes, freezing where she stands.

You were in armour, something that was never seen, and had a sword and bow strapped to you. You smile warmly at her.

"Greetings Tauriel, I take it that you to are tracking the dwarves?"

Tauriel stares, her mouth hanging open. "You cannot be out here my lady."

"Why? Because my father says so? I am tired of being told no, Tauriel. It was now or never." You look back towards Laketown.

Tauriel looked nervous, unsure of what to do. "Why are you following the dwarves my lady?"

"Because I wish to help." You say softly. "They did not deserve the treatment that father gave them."

You start to walk away and Tauriel bounds after you.

"My lady, I cannot let you go!"

"Yes you can." You keep walking. "Legolas will be coming, no doubt, keep an eye out for him, will you?"

She stops, staring after you, even as you disappear from sight.

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