Thorin ~ Accidents 13

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It was meant to be the last part, but I got carried, meet the 2nd, maybe 3rd last.  XD

Louisa was glad to see a rope, obviously what Bilbo had climbed down, was still hanging there and she hurried up it, only to be greeted by Bombur standing there.

His eyes go wide.  "Louisa!"

She winces a little as she gets over the wall.  "Hello Bombur."

Fear took his expression.  "Louisa, you should not be here!"

Her expression turned a little annoyed.  "You know, I've heard that a lot recently and frankly it's rather annoying.  I'm choosing where I want to be and where I want to be is here, no matter who likes it."  She brushes herself down.  "Now, where is Thorin?"

Bombur swallows.  "Louisa, I don't think you understand what is happening..."

"I understand enough Bombur," She said quietly.  "Now, where is Thorin?  I will not ask again before I go and find him myself."

Bombur nods slowly.  "Okay, but you're not going to like this."

Bombur leads her through the halls of Erebor, Louisa taking it in as much as she could, but she was more focused on the growing darkness that was making her feel increasingly sick.

Dwalin was standing outside a door and his eyes go wide as he sees her.  "Louisa...I don't think it's wise that you are here."

"I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that."  She said and looked at the door, knowing that Thorin was behind it.  "You have war on your doorstep and I am only here to try and help."

"I know why you are here lass," Dwalin said quietly and then rested a hand on her shoulder, his gaze concerned.  "Are you sure?"

"I am."

Dwalin looks grim, but nods.  "Return to the wall Bombur, I will take her in."

Bombur nods and leaves, Dwalin still looking at her concerned, but he puts hand on the door.

"I hope you can help him."  He said quietly.  "And I hope you are ready for what you are about to see."

Louisa remains silent and waits for him to open the door, which Dwalin opens slowly, glancing at her as he steps inside and she follows.  The hall they enter is large, a walkway leading across a vast expanse of halls and corridors below, the statues of the dwarves along the walls looking more threatening than a memory than of ancestors past.

"Didn't I tell you that I did not want to be disturbed!"  Thorin's voice rang out, making Louisa shiver.

This was not Thorin, Thorin didn't have that cold note to his voice, a note that spoke of cruelty and greed amd one Louisa knew was the cause for a lot of this trouble.

Dwalin cleared his throat.  "Yes, but I thought that this would be important."

Thorin was pacing in front of the throne amd Louisa's eyes instantly drew to the symbol above it.  She swore that she could feel her necklace heat up, but she had little time to analyse it as Thorin's voice called to her.

"Louisa..." It was softer, a little shocked and Louisa met his eye with a sad gaze.

"Thorin." She said softly.

"Leave us." He barked at Dwalin, who looked at her nervously and she nodded her head.

Once the door closed, Thorin approached a little, but didn't seem to want to get too close.  "I thought you went with Gandalf?"

"I did, but it wasn't where I was supposed to be."  She took a step forward, testing the waters, when he doesn't move, she takes another.  "But we both knew that before I left."

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