Thorin ~ Orcrist

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This is based on an imagine found here:

The gleam had caught your eye as soon as Thorin had pulled the blade from the sheath, even in the dimness of the troll cave, Gandalf's blade did too, but Thorin's was much more impressive, the design of the sword unlike anything you had ever seen before.

You were quick to ask, barely waiting until you had gotten outside.

"May I have a look at your sword, Thorin?"

Thorin looked at you, his grip tight on the blade.  The whole Company knew that you had a love of weapons and sword, so the question did not surprise him.  "Maybe later, when we are out of danger."

You didn't like the answer, but knew better than to argue with the dwarf king.

You got to see the blade in action while on the run from wargs and orcs, and it just made your fingers itch even more to get a hold on that blade.  It was impressive, cutting through the air easily and flawlessly, although, you were sure that was also because of who wielded it.  The King knew how to use a sword.

Once in Rivendell, you practically bounced in your seat as Lord Elrond gave the blade a once over, reading the Elvish inscription on the sword, Dwalin, who was next to you, raising an eyebrow.

"This is Orcrist."

Orcrist.  The name fit the sword perfectly.

"Calm down."  Dwalin rested an impatient hand your shoulder, still your movement.  "I'm sure you'll get a better look at it later."

You didn't want to wait till later, you wanted to look at it now.

But you settled, your gaze occasionally drifting over to Thorin and where the sword was resting next to him.  Once, he caught  your eye and you turned red at being caught staring and quickly looked away.

Thorin found you later, practicing with your own sword on your own.  You were equally as good as he was, and he was more than impressed when you made a complicated swing look like child's play.

"May I ask," He started, causing you to jump on guard.  "What is your fascination with swords?"

You straightened, calming your heart back down after the momentary startle.  "Well, with a father who was a blacksmith, it kind of came naturally."  You paused.  "That, and mother liked to collect them too.  It all helped."

"Did your father teach you his work?"

"Of course."  You held your own blade up, the metal gleaming in the light.  It had been one of the proudest moments of your life when you had successfully created, and perfected, the blade.  "It was only natural that I made my own sword of course."

Thorin nods, admiring the sword.  He could see the work that had gone into it, the quality shining through.

"What do the inscriptions mean?"  He'd often watched you tracing the inscriptions with your fingers, a lost look in your eyes.  Clearly it meant something.

But you shrug.  "Nothing much."

He frowns though.  "They clearly mean something, otherwise you would not put them on your blade."

"Something that I do not wish to share."  It was too personal for you, too close to home.

Thorin did not want to take no for an answer, however, and he folds his arms, staring you down.  "If you do not wish to share, then neither will I."

You stare at him for a moment, then your gaze wonders to Orcrist by his side, and you caught onto what he meant.

"That is hardly fair Thorin."

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