Faramir ~ Shadow

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You were always there, a passing thought in his mind, he could not shake it, no matter how hard he tried.

It had been a secret meeting, organised by Boromir to avoid his fathers wrath. You and Faramir had been courting for months, and knowing that Denethor would never approve, you had agreed to keep it all quiet.

The secret meeting had been your wedding night.

And now the thought of you would not leave him, he could still feel you, taste you, hear you, and he'd be damned if he didn't want more.

Secrecy was part of your nature, it was what had drawn Faramir to you in the first place. You were of a special nature, a class of warrior that was not meant to exist, a warrior of words.

You knew politics like the back of your hand, and with a quick tongue, you were hard to outdo. You and several others like you kept the city running under Denethor's nose, as he tried to slowly whittle it away, you, and those like you, fought to keep the city running.

Even if it meant dealing with unsavory sorts.

Faramir had found you as a deal went wrong and a knife was pulled out, held to your throat. He'd saved you on his own, cutting down the attackers easily.

You had thanked him, barely fazed by the attack as it happened quite regularly.

That, and you hadn't been alone.

Your guard almost attacked Faramir until you warned him off.

But as the guard pointed out, you now had another problem. Faramir was the son of Denethor, and if he told Denethor what was happening, it could mean all of your heads.

But you knew Faramir, you could see it in the way he stood, the way he had fought. He had something to prove, and he wasn't about to let his father get in the way of that.

So Faramir started working with you, learning the system that had been put in place and how it kept the city running. He was stunned by how well it all worked.

He told Boromir.

Boromir wasn't impressed at first, convinced that what they were doing was treason, but Faramir calmed him, and slowly, he saw that what they were doing was needed.

So the three of you worked together for sometime, the brothers understanding more and more of their fathers madness.

And Faramir slowly fell in love with you.

You were confident and well spoke, and often he found himself lost in the sound of your voice, a few times being caught in meetings unaware that he had been asked a question.

You found it amusing, the Stewards son was often overshadowed by his brother, but alone, he was just as smart and strong, and his heart was kind.

That was what you fell in love with.

Kindness was such a rare thing in the city, and he had boundless amounts of it for you.

You had both tried to ask the other to court at the same time, and laughed.

And now Faramir could hardly believe that you were married.

Boromir was over the moon for you two, glad that you had found happiness in this time.

But it was clearly something that Denethor noticed as well.

He sent Faramir away, to the furthest borders of Gondor, despite Boromir arguing with him.

And now you were both just a shadow of the thought to other. Boromir had promised to look after you till he could convince Denethor to allow him back.

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