Bofur ~ Distant

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Based on an imagine found here:

You hummed as you walked through the halls of Erebor, everyone too busy around you to notice the jovial tune.

Despite not feeling jovial at all.

You had been a part of the quest to reclaim Erebor, so no one really argued about your place within the halls, but you had found that you didn't really know what to do with yourself.

In Ered Luin, you had been a seamstress, gifted with the mending and making of clothes, but here in Erebor, there suddenly seemed to be too many, and no matter your gift, you could see you weren't needed.

It was still somewhat strange you had ended up on the quest in the first place, even though most knew that you were as gifted with a sword as you were needle and thread, something you had deemed necessary after fleeing your homeland.

But there Thorin had been, on your doorstep and asking whether you would join the quest to reclaim Erebor, and you had said yes without hesitation.

It was an odd group of unlikely heroes, especially when a wizard and a hobbit joined on as well, but somehow, you all got along.

Well, so you thought.

You had always been quick with a joke or passing wit and the others had loved it, glad someone could give as good as they got, but there was always one that it seemed to make go quiet.


The normally happy and loud dwarf always went quiet around you and you didn't quite understand why.  You had done nothing to upset him?

It was like that the whole quest, the others telling you not to worry, that Bofur was fine with you, but you could never quite shake that he wasn't.

It was no different now.

He had returned to his toy making, bringing joy to the few children that had come to Erebor yet.  You loved that, that he was so willing to bring joy despite the times of sorrow.  Many nights you had sat and listened to his tales, which he always shared to lighten the mood.

You really wanted to know how a dwarf like that could have any ill feelings towards anyone.

So now, with your jovial hum, that was where you were heading.  To ask him about it and ask if he needed help with anything.  You'd come to the conclusion if you couldn't make clothes for people, then perhaps clothes for dolls would work too.

"Lass!"  An arm grabbed you and you jerked to a halt, being pulled from your thinking.

Bifur had stopped you, having regained his ability to speak after the battle, he was also Bofur's cousin.

"Bifur, sorry, I didn't hear you."  You said with an apologetic smile.

"That is clear lass,"  he said with a slight frown.  "Where are you heading?"

"To see Bofur in his work shop."  You said, more lightly than you felt.  "It's been a while since I've said hello."

Something you couldn't read crossed Bifur's expression.  "That mightn't be a good idea lass."

You blinked. "Why not?"

Bifur hesitates.  "He's not in the best mood at the moment, you may be best to leave him be."

But you shook his head.  "Then it would be the least I can do Bifur, the amount of times he picked us up during the quest, I owe it to him."

You turned and started to continue, Bifur calling you back.

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