Dwalin ~ Yours

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This will be another longer one, based on an imagine found here:  http://imaginexhobbit.tumblr.com/post/132377052590/imagine-dwalin-being-very-protective-of-you-while

The first time I had met Dwalin was in a pub not long before the quest started. I'd traveled there from the Iron Hills just for the thrill of doing something on my own instead of being followed wherever I went, insisting I needed protection.

My family didn't like it but frankly I didn't care.

So I'd made my way to the Blue Mountains, a reckless and dangerous journey for a lone female dwarf to take.

Well, not entirely alone, I was accompanied by my two axes.

Dwalin seemed very impressed by all this as I told him my tale over a mug of ale, although still a little scalding over the fact I went alone, but he seemed impressed enough to continue the conversation.

And somehow, I managed to get roped into joining the quest.

I still couldn't tell if I was going to regret it or not, after all, travelling with thirteen males wasn't exactly my idea of fun because of the over bearing protective streak they tended to have.

And yet, once they saw I was more than capable of defending myself, most of them let me be.

All except one.


I wasn't sure what it was but for some reason he always seemed to be there, no matter conveniently or inconveniently I needed it.

There was an instance where we'd had to walk, leading our ponies instead of riding them. I had managed to slip and cried out as I thought I would smash into the rocks beneath our feet.

But I didn't.

Dwalin was there and he caught me easily, causing us to stare at each other for a few seconds before he let me go and continued on.

Another time, we were ambushed by orcs one night, the Company in chaos as we had to force poor Bilbo down out of the way while we fought them.

I was in the middle of three orcs, my axes at work as weapons clashed. I managed to take out one and turned to finish the second, only to find it had already been done for me, Dwalin's axe buried in its skull.

I finished the third quickly before rounding on him. "What do you think you are doing?"

He looks at me slowly, a slight tilt to his head. "The orc was about to hit you."

"I had it under control." I snapped.

"Well, it is now." He gestures around to the others, who were all easing down from the battle.

I snort in disgust and storm away, many of the others just looking at me confused.

I hated being looked after, something I very angrily explained later.

But Dwalin just shrugged at me. "It wasn't intentional, I just saw it and moved in."

"Well, next time, don't. It will save you a headache." I snapped and stalked away, taking some time alone to calm myself and take out my anger on the tree.

It wasn't the last, or first, time it had happened.

The night Bilbo got captured by trolls was by far one of the worst. We had charged in, very recklessly, to try and save him. Surprisingly, Dwalin and I worked in perfect unison that night, gaining a good advantage over one of the trolls.

Until they got their hands on Bilbo again.

Then the two of us were unceremoniously tied on a spit, spun around and around to slowly cook us.

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