Dwalin ~ Hugs 2

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I decided that this needed a fluffy sequel.


The little girls voice was high as she ran towards Dwalin, and you can't help but grin as the warriors gaze softens as he bends down and scoops her up.

"And how is my little one doing today?"  He asks, kissing her on the tip of the nose.

She giggles.  "Good.  I wanted to come watch you train."

"Oh?"  Dwalin raises an eyebrow at you and your smile widens.  "And I don't suppose your mother has anything to do with that?"

"Why would she?"  You ask as Dwalin lifts your daughter in one arm, the other wrapping around your waist.  "She doesn't need my encouragement."

Dwalin kisses you lightly.  "I'm sure she doesn't, she is too much like her mother."

"Funny, I thought her stubbornness came from her father."  You laugh and Dwalin rolls his eyes.

He looks at your daughter, all bright eyes and smiles and then at your swollen stomach, only a few days out from your second.

"He is doing just fine."  You say warmly, placing a hand over your stomach.

"Do I really get to meet him in a few days?"

You look at your daughter.  "Yes Marlene, you do."

She beams.  "And he can run around and play with me."

"When he's a bit older."  Dwalin says.  "Then I'm sure he'll love to play with you sweetheart."

"Well, then you can play with me now."  Marlene smiles at Dwalin.  "Pleeeaasee."

You and Dwalin laugh.

"Now sweetheart, didn't you just want to watch me train?"  He asks, kissing her nose again.

"Oh yeah!  Can I Daddy?"

Dwalin looks at you and you just shrug.  "You've practically offered now."

"Alright, but you have to stick with Mummy, alright?"  Dwalin looks at her as she nods profusely.

Laughing, Dwalin entwining your hands, you walk towards the main doors of Erebor.

The day passed easily, Marlene watching Dwalin excitedly as he broke in new recruits, Thorin by his side.  After it was over, it didn't take long for her to start asking to be taught.

"When you are older."  You said and you catch Dwalin's disapproving look.  "She is going to learn to defend herself Dwalin."

"I know,"  he grunts unhappily. "But I still don't like it."

"And would you say the same about our son?"

You look at each other and Dwalin sighs. "Come on, let's get to dinner."

Knowing that it was hardly over, you both helped Marlene back to Erebor, swinging her between you.

Dinner ran later than normal that night, heavy discussions in the air about a growing threat from Mordor and what was to be done about it. Marlene had found her way to Dwalin's lap, and had at first just happily sat, not understanding the conversation, but then slowly, her eyes had drifted shut and she snuggled in close to him.  Dwalin had subconsciously wrapped an arm her protectively and it wasn't till you looked up that you noticed her drooling on her fathers arm.

"If you don't me interrupting."  You say loud enough to get everyone's attention. "I think that is enough discussions for one night." You nod towards the sleeping form in Dwalin's arms and knew that none of them would disagree.

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