Yours ~ Epilogue

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Yet another over rated dinner with over rated guests.

I kept my annoyance silent even as my foot tapped impatiently under the table.

And it was clear I wasn't the only one feeling this way, Dwalin's hand constantly tensing next to mine as the nobles kept talking.

And talking.

We both knew we had little choice in the matter to attend these, Dwalin as Thorin's personal guard, and I as Dwalin's wife and also personal guard to the King, although Dwalin was still reluctant to admit that.

The problem was, was all this talk was frustrating and both Dwalin and I knew that tensions were rising.

Dwalin's hand slipped under the table and rested on my leg, stopping it tapping. We share a look as a smile tugs at my lips.

"You're not helping my focus doing that." He said quietly, leaving his hand resting on my leg.

"Neither are you constantly tensing that hand, makes me think you're thinking of something else." I whispered feeling his hand tense tense where it rested.

He snorts, a playful grin threatening to break his stony exterior.

The dinner finished, the guests leaving, but tension was still high.

Thorin sighs from the head of the table. "That could've gone better."

"Aye." Balin agrees. "And I thought we were the more stubborn."

"Dwalin's still the most stubborn." I said lightly, trying to ease the mood, even with a warning glance from Dwalin.

"I don't know, you give him a good run for his money." Thorin said, earning a chuckle from the few dwarves still in the room.

"Well, I can't deny that. I guess that's why we get on so well." I shrugged.

This earned more laughter, many of those around Erebor had witnessed a good fight or two between Dwalin and I, often over silly things, but with neither of us backing down, it did become quiet amusing.

After the fight ended of course.

I felt the tension ease out of the room as the others began to talk, having a laugh broken the shroud that had fallen over them.

With Thorin engrossed in a conversation with Balin, Dwalin turns to me.

"So you won't argue with him on that, but you will with me?" He raises an amused eyebrow.

I shrug. "What can I say, I enjoy seeing you all riled up and red faced."

He leans in close, his hand squeezing up my thigh. "You know that's not the only way to achieve that Keli."

I feigned seriousness. "I know. Why do you think I don't let you cook anymore?"

His frowning expression broke my facade as I laughed. "You are too easy Dwalin."

Dwalin roles his eyes. "That's not what you were begging me for the other night."

I giggle, even as Thorin clears his throat a little loudly, Dwalin's comment not entirely being discreet.

Dwalin goes a little red around the neck, even as he grins. "When you find your one, you will understand."

Thorin rolls his eyes. "I doubt I'd be so open."

I laugh as the red creeped up Dwalin's up. It was true, we had been caught in the open once, by no less than Thorin himself.

Thorin waves a hand at us. "Go, before I have to see more of you than I wish again."

I took Dwalin's hand from my leg, entwining our fingers even as he appears reluctant to move. I just stand and tug at his hand till he gets to his feet, following me, his face still red as we are followed by more than a few snickers.

Once outside and a fair distance away from the hall, Dwalin seems to come to his senses and pulls me into him.

You live to embarrass me." He grumbles.

I beam at him. "Of course."

He thinks for a moment, trying to come up with a good come back, but once he realises he doesn't have one, he just crushes his mouth to mine, a different kind of tension returning to our bodies.

He breaks away. "What do you think our chances of being caught twice are?"

I grin. "Well, I have just the spot." I start walking as he watches after me and I glance back at him. "But you have to keep up."

I run and laugh as I hear him curse after me. This is how things were meant to be.

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