Thorin ~ Accidents 7

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Louisa landed with a heavy thud on top of Thorin, groaning from the pain of being shoved in a sack and thrown aside.  Thorin managed to shift, sliding her down next to him.

"Are you alright?"  He asked quietly.

Louisa blew a strand of hair from her face, her face pale.  "Do I look it?"

Thorin grits his teeth.  "I was simply asking."

"It's not the time."  She snapped and strained against the sack, feeling too confined and very much terrified.

Thorin seemed to agree, although his expression was unreadable, all the dwarves grumbling around them, the ones on the spit the loudest.

"Bloody Gandalf, what was he thinking?"  Louisa huffed, collapsing back for a moment, her head resting against Thorin.  "The last thing I need on my mind is being eaten by trolls."

"At least your not the first course."  Thorin growled, eyeing his friends, the panic clear on their faces.

"Little comfort."  Louisa frowns, thinking fast.  Gandalf would know they were danger right?

There was a small whimper from the forest edge and Louisa's head snapped round.  "No!  Sirius, you stay."

The pup was crouched low, hidden well, but it was clear he was debating what to do.

"You stay."  Louisa hissed.

"You're really going to worry about him?"

"Ugh!  Must you be so condescending?"  Louisa snapped back at Thorin.  "You're scared, I get it, but that doesn't give you a right to be rude about all this."

It was said louder than she should have, several of the dwarves staring at her as Thorin's face went red but he didn't say anything.

Louisa tried desperately to focus, knowing she could just burn through the bag, at least enough to get an arm through the untie it.  The problem was, was all the emotions hanging in the air.  On top of trying to keep a handle on her own, everyone else's was beating down on her, especially Thorin.

He was annoyed at her, he'd told her to stay behind, but she would have nothing of it, following behind them and then leaving her wishing that she'd been better at hiding.  It wasn't just the annoyance at her though that was making her head hurt.  When she'd been grabbed and thrown in with the rest of them, the feeling of concern and fear multiplied and she was very sure that he didn't understand it himself.

The cries from the spit made her look up and she suddenly eyed the fire, the panic almost overwhelming.

Thorin watched her think, watched her gaze flicker from the spit to the fire.  "Can you do it?"

Louisa glanced at him and shifts a little more.  "I don't know."

Louisa locked her gaze on the fire.  It was hard to create, but maybe she could control.

The glow in her eyes wasn't as bright as she focused on the fire, the only one able to see was Thorin, who stared in awe, but it was quickly evident that it was working, the fire under the dwarves dying.

"Oi!  The fire's going out."

"Well stoke it, don't gawk at it."

One of the trolls stoked the fire and Thorin watched as beads of sweat started to form on Louisa's brow.  Fighting what fire naturally wanted to do was difficult and clearly taking it's toll, her eyes burning brighter.

"It's not working."

"Whatcha mean it's not- OI!"

Louisa yelped as she was suddenly scooped up, the dwarves all shouting as she squirmed in the trolls grip.

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