part 11

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                         ~3 weeks later~
today was the day of the homecoming game everything is amazing between me and dejuane, today i had to sing in front of everyone then go cheer right after i'm a little nervous but i'm sure i'll be fine, yesterday kobe spent the night because he didn't want to go home, derek started dating maya, mike started dating ansley, and kobe started dating this girl name tatyana, anyways i went to shower then when i came out i sat on my bed with the towel on doing my hair while kobe showered, we've been best friends since we were born so we've seen each other naked multiple times but we don't like each other in that way
Y: kobe i'm coming in to ask you a question
K: alright come in
i walked in the bathroom while kobe was putting his boxers on
Y: ok should i wear a dress or shirt and pants
K: the dress for sure since today is a special day
Y: alright thanks bestie
i walked out the bathroom and over to my closet picking out a dress

                            ~3 weeks later~today was the day of the homecoming game everything is amazing between me and dejuane, today i had to sing in front of everyone then go cheer right after i'm a little nervous but i'm sure i'll be fine, ye...

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i put on that dress and walked over to my bed waiting on kobe he walks out matching my dress

^^^this is his outfit besides the phone Y: people are gonna think we're dating i say while laughing K: bruh i just realized we're matching Y: it'll be fine let's go me and kobe ofc drive to starbucks and get a drink to match our outfits

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^^^this is his outfit besides the phone
Y: people are gonna think we're dating
i say while laughing
K: bruh i just realized we're matching
Y: it'll be fine let's go
me and kobe ofc drive to starbucks and get a drink to match our outfits

we got those drinks ^^^^ and went to school once we got there we walked out and everyone was staring at us mainly dejuane i walked up to him and kissed him he pulled back a little but i just shrugged it off and continued walking me and kobe were p...

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we got those drinks ^^^^ and went to school once we got there we walked out and everyone was staring at us mainly dejuane i walked up to him and kissed him he pulled back a little but i just shrugged it off and continued walking me and kobe were playing around and laughing with the boys then i noticed dejuane just walking so i go up to him
Y: what's wrong with you
De: what the fuck do you mean you come to school matching with another nigga and you think i wouldn't be mad
Y: baby calm down we're matching on accident
De: alright then why tf he come to school with you but no one else did
Y: because he spent the night
De: so now you got him sleeping at your house with just you and him
Y: he always has even when we were little
De: aight bruh
before i could say anything he walked off and i just stopped walking i felt my eyes water and a tear come down my face
K: what's wrong
C: fr girl what happened
Y: he thinks me and kobe matched on purpose and he's mad because kobe spent the night even tho he basically lives with me
Ans: well where did kobe sleep
Y: in my bed like he always does
C: well i can see why he might think that
Y: but it's not fucking like that kobe is dating tatyana, and tatyana your like a sister to me now i would never do that and i would never look at kobe in that way
Ta: i know you wouldn't but he doesn't
Y: i know but he also won't let me explain, but fuck it no ones gonna ruin my day, if he doesn't trust me after we've been together for 5 months (act like it's been that long) then when will he
after that i didn't even realize i was still crying i walked into class with derek and mike and just sat down in my seat but ofc it was right next to dejuane once i sat down he moved causing me to be more frustrated so i put my head down on my desk pouring my eyes out i cried for the whole class then the bell rung and when i got up there was a puddle of tears on my desk mike and derek saw and came up to me
M: y/n are you ok that was a lot of tears
D: for real i've never seen you cry so hard
Y: i i i'm fine
M: we're here if you need us
Y: t thank you
i struggle saying since i'm practically choking on my tears, school goes by pretty fast then i go to the cheer locker room to change into my cheer uniform, i walk out onto the field by now my eyes are back to its normal color once i get on stage i grab the microphone looking at dejuane and i started singing never losing eye contact with him
Y:remember those walks i built, well baby they're tumbling down, and they didn't even put up a fight, they didn't even make sound, i found a way to let you in, but i never really had a doubt, standing in the light of your halo, i got my angel now
during "i got my angel now" i point at dejuane while my eyes start to water again
Y: it's like i've been awakened, every rule i had you breaking, it's the risk that i'm taking, i ain't never gonna shut you out
the song goes on and by now my eyes are pouring but my voice isn't shaking i finish the song then go back to the locker room and redo my mascara and go back to the field then dejuane comes up to me
Y: what do you want
i say holding back tears
De: baby i'm sorry i should've believed you and never jumped to conclusions i know you would never cheat on me and i'm so sorry
Y: ok
De: baby i'm serious i love you
Y: i love you too dejuane
i gave him a kiss then went back to the cheerleaders they were praising me for my singing then we continued doing cheers
~end of game~
the boys won 70-14 the other team sucked then me dejuane and the rest of the group went out to eat we were just laughing and enjoying each other's company

next chapter is gonna be a lot of tea

so buckle up for this bumpy ride

and thank you to my most loyal supporter @Cassie1836 🥺❤️

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