part 136

504 17 5

after dejuane left and i laid there i just looking at the kids as they slept then my phone went off and it wad dejuanes dad

Y: hello??
Dad #2: hey y/n i know we haven't talked in a while but dejuane wanted me to tell you he'll be gone for a while
Y: what do you mean
Dad #2: he's going to a rehab center for a month or 2
Y: what wait why didn't he tell me and can you tell me which one
Dad #2: he didn't want you to worry about him and the place is **********
Y: ok thank you i'll call you later
Dad #2: alright stay safe kiddo
Y: i will bye

i gently but in a rush wake the kids up then i get them dressed and i grab my keys and we jog downstairs and out the door then getting in the car and driving to the location, once we made it and stepped out the car i saw dejuane with his bags signing in and the kids ran to him and i stood there looking at them until dejuane picked them up and walked to me

Dejuane: how'd you know i was here
Y: your dad told me
Dejuane: ha he really can't hold water
Y: yea but you scared me
Dejuane: i know and i'm sorry i just didn't want you worrying
Y: if anything i'd be proud not worried
Dejuane: stop crying i'm going to be fine i'm doing this for y'all, y/n when i hit and i saw you on the ground even when i yelled at you i stood there thinking about what i did and i knew i messed up and i'm so sorry i know there's not much i can tell you because i hit you but i know that i'll never do that again and when i come out of here i want to be in the kids lives more and i want to get my own house and stop clinging on to you no matter where you go
Y: i'm proud of you dejuane i really am but i don't know if i'm ready to forgive you for hitting me
Dejuane: i understand take as much time as you need but while i'm here i just ask that you bring the kids to see me more often so it'll make this time easier
Y: yea sure i can do that
Dejuane: i could've sworn i told you to stop crying
Y: fuck off

y/n gives dejuane a slight smirk and a side hug then y/n and the kids wave bye as he walks into the building, they wait until he's out of view then y/n puts them in the car and they sit in the parking lot for a little because y/n had her head on the steering wheel crying sad tears and tears of joy that dejuane was getting the help he needed but once they pulled off and drove back to the house y/n unbuckled the kids then wiped her eyes and they walked in the house

Jale: where were you
Y: well dejuane is going to rehab so we went to just give him a little goodbye
Jale: how long is he staying
Y: a few months but i'm taking the kids to see him maybe daily
Melissa: y/n have you forgave him
Y: no i'm not ready to
Melissa: oh thank God
Y: why
Melissa: it's just we thought you had already forgiven him and i was about to jump down your throat
Y: well i'm not dumb so no i didn't forgive him but i might later in the future
Sharan: why
Y: i don't hold grudges because that shit is so annoying and i know if it was me i wouldn't want someone doing it
Gabby: if you don't mind me asking why isn't kairi talking to you
Y: because he thinks i'm going back to dejuane which is dumb but he'll get over it
Gabby: if you say so

y/n continued talking to the others and just thinking to herself and playing with the kids then they went upstairs with kairi and slept with him while y/n and the girls just kept talking that was until y/n got a phone call so she stepped outside in the freezing weather and answered

Y: dang you couldn't make it a few hours without hearing my voice huh
Dejuane: um i guess i just wanted to let you know that we're having a little mental construction meeting with my therapist maybe tomorrow or the day after whichever one works for you
Y: tomorrow is fine but when you get out you better be the same funny dejuane that you were at first
Dejuane: i hope i am but goodnight y/n
Y: goodnight dejuane
Dejuane: um i love you
Y: i love you too

y/n hangs up the phone and then walks back inside and the group asks who called and what they wanted but y/n ignored the question so the others shrugged it off and just left it alone and watched movies then after a while y/n went upstairs going in the shower and just sitting down thinking about dejuane and his rehab and just nearly everything then she got out and got dressed in her pajamas while across town dejuane was sitting up on his bed looking at the walls and missing his house and for a second he thought about leaving but he remembered who he was doing it for and he just laid down as a single tear fell down his face but he wiped it then faced the wall and he forced himself to sleep even with the others on his hall still awake and talking and sometimes even yelling so while dejuane was sleep y/n was thinking and drowning in her thoughts until she turned on the tv and laid down watching tv then she even fell asleep herself

goodnight 💤

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