part 195

485 16 11

y/n sat there and she started shaking and she tried speaking but no words came out then she watched as her mom walked over to her and put a hand on her shoulder and tear rolled down y/ns face and she smacked her moms hand and moved over to the kids shielding them

Y: why are you here
Mom: i wanted to tell my baby happy thanksgiving
Y: i'm not your baby and i never will be ever again and i don't want you here
Mom: well can i at least see my new grand baby i haven't gotten to see him yet
Y: no don't you come anywhere near any of them or i will break your neck
Mom: well that's not a way to speak to your mom
Y: you will never be my mother
Davine: aww stop crying y/n because you're such a bad ass
Kairi: you have no fucking idea what that woman has done so shut up bitch
Y: thank you bubs but get out you aren't welcome here you tried to fuck up my life and image so many times
Mom: i have not
Y: you fucking got someone to stab dejuane you crazy bitch
Mom: i didn't get anyone to stab dejuane in his side
Y: sto- i never said where they stabbed him wait please don't tell me it was you
Mom: of course not now give me a hug baby
Y: it was you oh my God it was you stay away from me kids run now

the kids took there plates and ran upstairs and since azlynn was the oldest she locked the door then y/n backed up more away from her mom

Y: i can't believe you
Mom: dear that wasn't me
Y: don't call me that and please go now

y/ns mom didn't listen she just kept walking to y/n until she was right infront of her and she gave her a hug then y/n felt something cold on her back and she knew what it was so she looked at her dad with tears running down her face and shaking even more than she already was then she looked at dejuane and gave him a fake smile

Y: yea i love you so much and in case i'm never able to tell you that again i just want you to know that i will forever love you and the memories we've made

y/n felt her mom pressing it against her skin more and she felt the tip of the knife so she squeezed her eyes ready to die then she opened them and saw her mom drop to the ground with her dad on top of her putting her in hand cuffs and y/n dropped to the ground with her face in her knees shaking and crying then she felt a hand on her back and she flinched and clung to her knees 10x harder

Dejuane: hey it's ok you're ok
Y: it was her she did it and she lied to me even tried to kill me her own daughter she tried to kill me
Dejuane: i'm right here it's ok come on let's go upstairs
Y: ok

y/n got up still shaking and she walked upstairs in a separate room from the kids and she sat down on the bed just looking at the wall completely zoned out

Dejuane: it's ok y/n
Y: no it's not and it'll never be
Dejuane: come here
Y: i just want to be by myself just for now please
Dejuane: whatever helps you and i love you too y/n and i wanna be with you no matter where we are in life

Dejuanes POV:
i walked out the room giving y/n the space she wanted and i went back downstairs sitting at the table putting my hands in my face

Kairi: is she ok
Dejuane: i hope
Kairi: i'll go check on her
Dejuane: she wants to be alone
Kairi: oh ok i'll go later
Cat: thought she was so strong
Davine: right
Cat: weak bitch
Dejuane: honestly how can y'all sit there and see her almost die by her own mom and yet still be a bitch to her i feel sorry for whoever decides to love y'all
Corey: who are you to talk to them like that
Dejuane: i'm someone who isn't about to sit back and let them constantly talk shit about someone who's fucking house they're in if they don't like y/n or what she does then they can leave and i find it funny cat has so much shit to say and she just got punched in the face
Cat: i don't care that shit didn't even hurt
Dejuane: well your nose said something different
Davine: we don't have to sit here and take any of this
Dejuane: didn't say you did you can gladly go back to that baby that you tried to lie like was mine
Davine: but weren't you all in my face every time you and y/n broke up
Dejuane: do you not know what using someone is

while i was arguing back and forth with davine and cat and occasionally corey the kids came downstairs sitting back at the table then after a while i threw away everyone's plate because they was finished and we bought paper plates because we didn't want to wash dishes so after that i wrapped up all the leftovers then put it up then i went upstairs checking on y/n but she was sleep so i took off her skirt and put some pajama shorts on her then i took her makeup off and put her hair into a bun then i got in the shower and once i was out i gave y/n a kiss on the cheek then i fell asleep next to her

❤️ also i finished my first chapter to my new book 🌝 don't know when imma publish it tho

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