part 18

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(there will be no pictures this chapter so sorry in advance) and sorry i had a project to submit and it was really stressful

                              ~2 months later~
not only dejuane but everyone has been acting different and not hanging out with me as much even kobe, kairi and all them had to go back to new jersey so i'm left in Atl with "friends" who are acting fake, today is the last day of school before summer so i just wear a crop top and shorts, oh btw i changed my phone case because i wanted a different one, anyways i get my keys say bye to my mom and head to school when i go in i see the whole group looking at dejuane kissing another girl, i just stand there then dejuane pulls away
De: baby it's not what it looks like i promise
i pull a random guy to me and kiss him
Y: and that's not what it looks like either
dejuane eyes start to water and he starts yelling
i stood there shocked because i knew at that moment i fucked up, he stormed off then the group shook their heads at me and walked off with him but kobe stood there
K: wow y/n that's messed up he was telling the truth
and just like that kobe walked off too, damn now i really did just lose everyone i love i didn't cry because i was numb i just went to class, the whole day no one in the group talked to me, texted me, or even looked at me
                               ~2 weeks later~
no one from the group had yet to talk to me still so i texted kairi
Y: kai you up??
O: yea what's up
Y: can i live with you this summer
O: why??
Y: because my "friends" haven't talked to me in two weeks
O: why not?
i tell kai everything then he says i can stay the summer so i pack up and tell my mom then i text the group we're all in
                                 My Hoes 🥵🤪
Y: i know y'all won't answer because y'all are mad at me still but just know i love all of you guys so much and dejuane im gonna miss you like hell but please move on you guys gave me my best high school years and i don't know where i would've ended up without y'all, kobe keep tatyana happy and never change i love you, dejuane i never meant to hurt you, you mean the world to me and when i look at you or hug you i feel like the world is an amazing place you make me feel as if i can fly and walk on water i'll always love you no matter what, and for derek mike and vallyk i'll miss you guys and your laughs and how sus y'all acted together and how mike would lowkey flirt with me lol and how derek would hype me up and twerk on me and how vallyk would let me play with his curls until i fell, andre, justin, and artis even though i met y'all 8 months ago y'all always made me laugh andre you were there for me when me and dejuane broke up and was like a brother to me and justin and artis i know i can always count on y'all to keep a secret for me, maya please choke bitch, and tatyana, cherry, and ansley you guys ARE FUCKING AMAZING BRUH like how can 3 girls be so pretty and amazing you guys are my favorite sorry boys but y'all never failed to make me smile and laugh, cynthia i'm giving my spot as cheer captain to you and tell celia to stay out of problems 🙄 because lord know that girl is always in drama lol, anyways i'll always love you guys please never change but maya please choke bitch, but no matter what happens you guys will always have a special place in my heart even though i might not have one in yalls no more and dejuane i would never purposely hurt you i just got so tired of being put second and lied and cheated on i should've listened before assuming things i know that now but fr now bye guys i love you all but maya so fucking much

and with that i take my bags put them in my car and drive to the airport while i'm omw to the airport i throw my phone out the window and smash it and buy a new one with a new number and everything, in jersey i want to have a fresh start and that's exactly what i'm gonna do, i get to the airport and sit down and wait for my flight to be called about an hour later my flight was called so i got on the plane and then it took off to jersey

Dejuane POV
me and the group was in my house playing and talking, none of us were talking to y/n because that was fucked up what she did then we got a text from her in the gc i ignored but kobe checked and once he did he started crying
V: bro what's wrong
he didn't do anything he just took his phone and left out the room and went into the bathroom still crying so then we all check the gc and now we're all crying
M: no no no bro is she serious where is she going
Ta: she can't be serious
De: she really left and it's all my fault
D: no it's not bro she said she still loved you
De: but that doesn't mean i'm not the reason she left
A: we all played a part, we all ignored her
C: and now she's gone
kobe comes out with blood shot eyes trying to call her but it would instantly go to voicemail
De: she prolly got a new phone so we wouldn't be able to convince her to come home
everyone was just crying and talking about how it was all their fault and how they're worried about y/n then it's like she could hear us because at that moment she posted on snap

what will she say??? 🤭

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