part 133

513 17 13

a few days after everything happened y/n still refuses to help dejuane through the breakup because he deserves to know how she felt all those times and maybe he'll change but all it did was make him drink like crazy, smoke weed and become a bit aggressive towards everyone else and the others went back to the house but y/n refuses to tell her dad because she doesn't want him locked up or take him away from the kids but she's tried to make him leave her house but he would just break a window or something and she would have to get it repaired and all together she's spent $1000 just getting windows repaired and she refuses to let the kids out of her sight in fear of what dejuane might do during one of his episodes so she always made sure to have the kids next to her and even though kairi sticks up for y/n, dejuane is still way taller than them so there's not much he can help with but she's just thankful he's helping in general, since ansley is his best friend she calms him down most of the time and he does stop which y/n found suspicious since he doesn't even do that with her ANYMORE

back to y/n pov:
we were all sitting in living room listening to one of dejuanes daily episodes while the kids were upstairs sleep i made sure to put a lock on their door from the outside that only me and jale have a key to just in case dejuane tries to harm them one day and i have a baby monitor i carry around whenever they're up there just in case they want to come out of the room when i'm not around but that's besides the point but while dejuane was yelling i was on my phone just scrolling through instagram post and stories until i heard my name

Y: huh
Kairi: exactly she wasn't even listening to you so keep her name out your mouth bitch
Dejuane: i can talk about whoever the fuck i want what are you gone do
Kairi: i might be short and damn i might not even win if we fight but i damn sure am gonna put up one because i refuse to let you talk shit about y/n lil bitch boy
Y: what's even happening
Kairi: this man whore doesn't know how to keep your name out of his fucking mouth
Y: what did he say kai
Kairi: he's saying a bunch of bullshit and calling you out of your name all because you realized that you shouldn't waste time on a mother fucker that can't or doesn't want to learn from their mistakes like dejuane it's not y/ns fault you got cheated on then turned into a fucking addict
Dejuane: i'll fight you bitch
Y: you aren't going to lay a hand on him
Dejuane: bitch i'll hit you too
Melissa: oh nah baby i'll kill you before i let you do that
Dejuane: i'll fight all you hoes
Y: dejuane please stop it's getting to be too much at this point and i'm even scared you might hit one of us for real
Dejuane: i will hit one of you hoes for real
Y: ok you'll hit us for real then do it dejuane you are really making it hard to even wanna live in this house anymore i've tried so hard to allow you to stay here but you're making it harder on me and you're making me fall back into my depression and that's a place i never want to be ever again
Dejuane: y/n i really couldn't care less
Y: you know what dejuane if you're so bad then do it hit me i've tried my hardest to be kind to you and civil but if you want to then do it dejuane FUCKIJG DO IT BITCH

by now i was in dejuanes face yelling and arguing while kairi is trying to pull me back then as soon as i was about to walk out dejuane lifts his hand and punches me making me fall down on the floor and i started crying with blood dripping out of my nose


i was on the ground holding my nose and letting the tears fall then i see dj and azlynn looking at me and crying

Mattia: did they see everything
Jale: i'm so sorry i went to make sure they were sleep and they weren't so i brought them downstairs and as soon as we were coming down we saw dejuane hit y/n and i promise i didn't mean for them to see
Y: so not only do you hit me but you also do it in front of the kids i would've never done this kind of shit to you and the fact that you called me a bitch after you did it is so fucked up and over what dejuane because i decided to make you learn from your decisions wow just leave me alone for now on and get out of my house

i get up with kairis help and he gives me a tissue to hold under my nose and i see the kids still crying so even though i was pretty sure my nose was broken and it was still leaking i go and grab the kids making sure not to get my blood on them then i try and to tell them i'm fine but i start getting light headed so i put them down and a few minutes later i collapse on the floor and all i remember is kairi catching me then cussing out dejuane

3rd person pov:
kairi picked y/n up putting her in his car and he drove her to a hospital he didn't take her to the emergency room because he knew that they would've asked what happened and kairi knew that even though dejuane hit her y/n didn't want him in jail so once they made it they walked in and they took y/n to a room and kairi watched as they popped her nose back in place and he started crying then they bandaged her nose and a few minutes later y/n wakes up with her hand on her forehead talking about how bad her head hurts so kairi goes and tells a doctor and they bring her some tylenol and water and while she takes it kairi holds her hand and then he interlocks their fingers and y/n leans her head back on the bed just smiling at kairi

Kairi: why are you smiling your nose is literally broken and you have a bruise surrounding you nose and bruises under your eyes
Y: i'm just happy that no matter what you're always there for me kairi 
Kairi: of course and i always will
Y: i know
Kairi: i love you y/n
Y: i love you too bubs but where's my kids
Kairi: well dejuane tried to apologize to them but they started yelling and crying so jale took them back upstairs with her and the others went upstairs with her
Y: i feel so bad for my babies they're probably traumatized
Kari: and we'll help them through that but right now you're the main focus and we need to make sure you'll be ok
Y: can you pass me a mirror
Kairi: no because you're gonna just pick out your flaws
Y: please kai

kairi hands me a mirror and i sit there just looking and touching all my bruises then i put the mirror down and throw my head back on the bed with tears coming down my face and kairi came over and laid on my stomach and comforted me until his lazy ass fell asleep so i did the same

kairi a real one 👩🏾‍🦯

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