part 187

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after nearly 7 months of corey and y/n being happy she thought she was pregnant once but it was a false alarm and corey was going to purpose until he had to move back to canada for business reasons but before he did they finished the movie and he gave y/n his house so she'd have something to remember him but ever since he left she hadn't been over there because she misses him so much and it hurts knowing he's gone since she spent nearly everyday with him even her 21st birthday but she kept his number and everything but she told him to move on and he told her the same thing because even if they wanted to do long distance it wouldn't work because they were both always busy and he lived halfway across the world so it wouldn't work but before he left him and y/n had a date and it was absolutely amazing then he gave her a promise ring and they promised that no matter what they would always be best friends and call each other 4 days a week and whenever the other came to visit then they had to get the other full divided attention even if they found someone else so they knew no matter where they went in life that they would always be with each other but during this time derek and mike found girl friends but they didn't come around much but derek and mike always went to see them and kairi and gabby had their baby and named him julian and he's so cute and dejuane was once again played by lucianna because once she saw that y/n was happy with corey and wasn't paying attention to dejuane then she once again up and left at first y/n laughed at him and didn't even want to get involved but after a while they started talking to each other again and then later they were once again best friends and everything in the house was good but tomorrow they have big plans

no the book isn't over just an fyi 😭

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