part 130

558 16 11

once i woke up the only one awake was azlynn so while dj slept me and azlynn went downstairs and i was carrying her down the steps then when we made it to the end of the stairs we sat down on the couch talking to the others

Melissa: what if we take a family trip and we invite y/ns old friends
Y: bitch you just wanna start shit
Melissa: no y'all need to make up
Y: why do you care tho
Gabby: because she lonely
Melissa: and is please y/n come on
Y: fine but where
Azlynn: disney world
Y: is everyone good with that's
Kairi: yea but we need jackets because it's old ash outside
Y: true
Jale: i don't got time for my nipples to be looking like icicles through my shirt
Mattia: that happens to every girl?
Y: duh mattia
Dejuane: oh wait then y/n don't wear a jacket we wanna see them piercings
Kobe: wait you got them pierced
Y: one we all did and two dejuane shut the fuck up perv
Derek: oh yea no jackets
Y: y'all are BIG PERVS
Sharan: vallyk if you're that thirsty for some action then maybe you doing something wrong
Mike: he can't help it he has a baby face
Y: hahahaha

we kept talking then i pulled out my laptop making sure to get tickets for everyone even chris and luis friend groups which cost me damn near $4,000 and that doesn't even include our hotel room and food for while we're there so let's not be dumb of course i'm making them help pay so we all put in our credit card information then i called chris rich ass and he paid for everything else and i thanked him then hung up after telling him the date we were leaving and time then dj came down the stairs and dejuane picked him up and sat him on the couch beside him and davine

Y: they better be grateful i'm paying for their musty back asses
Kairi: for real
Angel: chile anyways who paid for the rest
Y: chris
Sharan: do you not think he's gonna want something in return
Y: he can get a high five the fuck
Mattia: not the high five
Dj: mommy i don't wanna sit next to davine
Y: why baby
Dj: she stinks
Y: oh ok

i hold back and my laugh and i go and pick up dj then when davine takes a step outside i sit dj down and bust out laughing so hard that i fell on the ground and my stomach started cramping

Kairi: bitch get up
Y: i can't breathe omg
Jale: dj stop bullying that girl
Dj: mommy says it all the time
Y: cause it's true baby
Dejuane: damn it y/n now she's outside crying can you go apologize and stop being so mean to her she's dealing with a lot of shit right now and you aren't helping
Y: i don't care
Dejuane: you're being selfish again
Y: was i selfish when i married you even though i felt like you would cheat AGAIN
Kairi: nope
Y: was i selfish when i paid for all your mom treatment bills
Kairi: no
Y: was i selfish when i took you back every time you cheated
Kairi: hell no
Y: was i selfish when i forgave you even though you pushed me on the ground
Kairi: i don't think so
Y: was i selfish when i let you sleep in a house you weren't even supposed to ever know the address to
Kairi: aht aht
Y: and was i selfish when i gave you 2 kids, a house, and let you make me look like a clown MULTIPLE TIMES 
Kairi: nope, nope and nope
Y: so before you call me selfish think of everything i forgave and did for you and your family then if you can't even name something then you are more than welcome to call me selfish but until then please shut the fuck up
Sharan: PERIOD
Dejuane: doesn't change the fact you made her cry
Y: it also doesn't change the fact that i said i didn't care
Azlynn: hahaha
Dj: mommy is just being honest
Y: aww i love my babies
Mattia: yea bitch because they just like you
Y: yes they would also be like dejuane if he was ever around enough
Angel: oop
Dejuane: first off i-
Y: AHT don't care

dejuane keeps trying to speak and i ignore him then davine comes in with red and puffy eyes and i just look at her and look away then i turn on a movie and watch it with the kids beside me then i need to pee so i go upstairs and use the bathroom then once i was done washing my hands and fixing myself up in the mirror i go back downstairs and i see dj crying so i go up to him and pick him up rocking back and forth trying to get him to stop crying

Y: my poor baby what's wrong cutie
Dj: davine hit me
Y: she did what
Dj: she hit me because she was mad i said she stunk
Y: oh ok i'm sorry baby but mommy might go to jail for murder
Mattia: y/n don't do it
Y: fine i'm going to my room watch dj and azlynn
Kobe: i'll watch them
Y: thank you kobe
Kobe: no problem

i give azlynn and dj to kobe then as i walk to the stairs i put my hair in a tight bun and once everyone is facing their backs toward the tv and so is davine i sneak behind her and grab her hair pulling her over the couch then i start punching her in the face over and over again and she grabbed my hair so i started punching her harder and harder until i felt her hand go a little limp then i keep punching her but just not as hard then half the group pulls me off of her and i blow my hair out my face while dejuane lifts davine off the ground

Mattia: where the fuck did you come from
Y: y'all gotta be the dumbest mother fuckers i've ever met to think i would let someone hit my child and they won't get they ass whooped because i'll always fight for my kids but davine let's hope your face is healed by vacation
Kairi: this bitch really outsmarted us all
Sharan: for real i feel dumb for turning my back on her
Y: i'm about to go to sleep after i wash her blood and germs off my hands
Melissa: yea go do that

i pick up dj and azlynn and i get them bathed and put them to sleep then i go shower and get changed and dressed and i lay under the cover and watch a movie then dejuane comes in my room trying to talk to me but i turn my back to him and go to sleep

i know what i'm gonna do for the vacation chapters but i don't know what to do before then 😖

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