part 37

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it's now been 3 months since everything and today is dejuanes birthday not only do i have a HUGE surprise but i also have some exciting stuff planned, today we're taking dejuane to a amusement park then going to laser tag so we all get dressed and i give dejuane his gifts which he loves then we all head to the park and once we arrive we pay for tickets then dejuane see a ride he wants to go on
De: omg this one
Y: ok go
De: babe come on with me
Y: um i can't
De: why
Y: um i just don't feel well
De: ok well stay safe
Y: i will i'll prolly go to the arcade
De: ok we'll meet you over there
Y: ok i love you
De: i love you too
he gives me a kiss then everyone goes on the ride while i go to the arcade it was around 20 minutes until they came back then they kept going on different rides while i just sat down the whole time then it was time to go to laser tag i actually played that one then we were all done so we all got in the car and headed home once we got back we got out and i had one more surprise for not only dejuane but everyone
Y: alright guys circle around
i got in the kitchen with dejuane right beside me and everyone circle around us
De: babe this is just a pizza box what's so special about it
Y: open the box
once dejuane opened the box he started crying then he showed everyone else

then dejuane looked at me De: are you serious Y: yes i am he picked me up gently ofc and spun me around then kissed me then the rest of the group started celebrating and hugging me M: OMG IM GONNA BE AN UNCLE K: WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME Y: because it...

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then dejuane looked at me
De: are you serious
Y: yes i am
he picked me up gently ofc and spun me around then kissed me then the rest of the group started celebrating and hugging me
Y: because it's a surprise for everyone
Kai: NO ME
Y: you'll be the favorites now hush and eat the pizza fr i spent $12 on that
everyone started eating the pizza and talking about names, i was already 3 months because i found out i was pregnant on kairis birthday, after everyone continued talking and everything dejuane carried me to the room since my feet were hurting then he sat me down while he stood up
De: how long did you know
Y: since kairis birthday
De: why didn't you tell me
Y: because it was a surprise ofc
De: i want a boy
Y: um no i want a girl
me and dejuane talked about what gender we thought it was gonna be then dejuane gave me a foot massage and pampered me then we got ready to go to sleep so he put me under the cover, turned on slowed music, turned on the led light, then got in bed with me gently putting his head on my stomach and occasionally kissing it then i fell asleep with him rubbing my stomach, i woke up in the middle of the night feeling nauseous so i push dejuane off me and run to the bathroom a few seconds later dejuane comes and moves my hair out of the way for me, i sat on the floor for about 4 minutes just throwing up until i finally stopped
Y: bruh these 6 months are gonna be hell
De: but i'll be here every step of the way
Y: as you should
De: haha whatever
dejuane picks me up and puts me back on the bed but this time he cuddles me so my face is buried in his chest and i fall asleep

once i woke up i got in the shower and dejuane joined me to make sure i was ok and everything then he helped me dry off and get dressed he even cooked for me for once lol
Y: you know i can do stuff myself right
De: i know i'm just trying to help out
Y: well thanks babe
De: your welcome
Y: i love you so much
De: aww your finally being nice
Y: never mind i fucking hate you
De: oh wow
Y: i'm so sorry i was joking
De: it's fine bae i love you too more than you love me
Y: that's impossible but ok
De: you do know i love you tho right??
Y: yes dejuane i know
De: just making sure
me and dejuane talked for a little more then we got dressed so we could go to the mall and buy some stuff for a nursery, we were walking around and saw a few cute things so we got them then once we got majority of the stuff we headed home and went to a empty room next to the one i'm in downstairs, we go in and i sit down and eat while watching dejuane painting the walls and setting up the carriage then once he finished i organized the bookshelf and put the books inside then put stuffed animals on top of it we finished majority of the stuff then we walked out and went back in my room
Y: you do know this is gonna be our new room and not the one upstairs
De: oh well then i should probably bring my stuff down here
Y: probably yea
dejuane left to go get his stuff and bring it into my room once be finished doing everything he went and showered then came out looking like a meal again
Y: mmmm looking fine asf
De: dont i always
Y: and do
he walked between my legs and i leaned back on the bed so he was now hovering over me but, i wasn't sure if we could do anything since i was pregnant so instead he fingered me and ate me out until i climaxed then i gave him that gawk gawk 3000 (omg) then he laid next to me and talked to the baby, technically my stomach, while i fell asleep watching Princess and the frog

idk what gender to make it all i know is it's not gonna be twins 🏃🏾‍♀️💨

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