part 32

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(i just put this song because i'm listening to it rn)

~2 months later~
i'm fully recovered even tho when i first got back no one would leave me alone by myself for literally even a minute and i had to use the bathroom and shower with the door open but me and dejuane are friends now and he's dating davine, i still have my gun hidden 🙈 i took it to get bedazzled and it's so pretty, mike and ansley are together still so are kobe and tatyana and derek is doing whatever it is he's doing while i'm still single ready to mingle lol and also davine technically moved in the room with dejuane and it's like every night they are doing THINGS which is pretty nasty especially when i'm trying to sleep but i'll be fine i guess, we have our first day of school in jersey today and i'm pretty excited, i dressed up in one of my best outfits and went downstairs, wait hold on

^^thats my outfitY: are you guys readyK: yea come on we go outside then i run across the street to kairis house to tell him to come on, once he comes out we all get in the car and go to school when we get there we go in and get our schedules and t...

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^^thats my outfit
Y: are you guys ready
K: yea come on
we go outside then i run across the street to kairis house to tell him to come on, once he comes out we all get in the car and go to school when we get there we go in and get our schedules and this is how my schedule went
Trigonometry 1st block~ kairi, mattia, roshaun
Art 2nd block~ cherry, artis, dejuane, davine
Chemistry 3rd block~ mattia, davine, dejuane
Volleyball 4th block~ tatyana, cherry, davine
i wasn't happy i had classes with davine let alone being on a team with her but it didn't matter mattia, kairi, and roshaun walked me to first block then we sat down in random seats and this guy sat next to me ngl he was cute, then the teacher asked me introduce myself since i was new so i stood up
Y: um my name is y/n i'm originally from Atl, i live with a bunch of my friends and i'm "famous"
T: ok thank you, you can have a seat now
Y: ok
i sit back down then the teacher goes on with teaching and i'm paying attention doing my work then the random boy taps my shoulder
Y: huh
??: do you have a pencil
Y: oh yea hold on
i reach in my bag and find one and give it to him
Y: do you mind if i ask you your name
??: it's Angel

^^AngelY: oh well hey Angel An: what's up Y: do you have any friends here??An: nah they all moved last yearY: oh well if you want we can be friends An: oh ok for sure Y: alright let's exchange numbersi say giving him my phone and him giving me his...

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Y: oh well hey Angel
An: what's up
Y: do you have any friends here??
An: nah they all moved last year
Y: oh well if you want we can be friends
An: oh ok for sure
Y: alright let's exchange numbers
i say giving him my phone and him giving me his, we type in our numbers then put our phones up then i turn back to the teacher to pay attention, once class is over and we're now going to second block angel runs up behind me
An: aye what class you got next
Y: art why, wassup??
An: oh i got that too mind if i walk with you
Y: oh sure yea, only if you promise to sit by me
An: aight i promise
Y: and btw i'll explain everything about the people i live with in class
An: why
Y: because if you're gonna hang with us you need to know everything and that's a lot
An: oh um ok then
we continue walking to art then once we get inside we sit next to cherry and artis then davine and dejuane come next to us
Art: who's that
Y: oh this is my new friend Angel
An: what's up
Da: when y'all meet??
Y: as i was saying this is Angel
De: you didn't hear her
Y: i heard i just don't give a fuck enough to respond
C: y/n
Y: yes
C: please be nice just for today
Y: ugh fine
i turn to davine
Y: i met him in first block
i say rolling my eyes then turning back to angel
An: so what's up with you guys
De: nothing
Y: don't lie, well angel you see here one day i was going to a youtubers house that i was invited to i stayed there for 2 nights then i came back and went to surprise sweet ole dejuane here but he was too busy fucking davine so then i pulled a gun out on here but lucky for her i didn't pull the trigger but instead i tried to kill myself as you can see sadly it didn't work
C: y/n what do you mean sadly
Y: exactly what i said
An: damn dejuane that's fucked up
De: you don't even know me
Y: well i do and your someone who uses females to get in their pants then you play with there heart and break them
i say with hella attitude then angel holds my hand so i look at him hella fast blushing then i put my head on the table because i'm nervous
De: why you blushing
Y: i'm not
i say with my head on the table and my hair covering my face
De: then lift your head
Y: i'm good
An: come on
angel raises my head with his hands making me blush 50x harder now my whole face is red
C: dang girl are you good you look like a tomato
Y: i'm fine
just then angel puts his hand on my thigh and i thought i couldn't get redder but i was wrong
Art: are you ok fr
they kept asking because they couldn't see what angel was doing
Y: yea i'm fine
then angel whispered in my ear and my eyes widened and then i looked at him and he winked at me
Da: are you blushing because of angel
Y: NO no not at all
C: do y'all smell that
Art: yea it smells like cap
Y: bruh i hate y'all
we all start laughing, i know dejuane cheated on me with davine but she's kinda chill, i would still shoot her if i had a chance tho
Y: you can come to the house with us after school
An: oh yea for sure i'm down
Y: alright then guess we'll see you there
the teacher finally starts talking and we draw a few things then the bell rings and we head to lunch, which was alright nun much happened in there then it was the 3rd block not much in there besides work then it was finally 4th block which was volleyball, me and tatyana, cherry and davine went into the locker room and put on our nike pro shorts and walked on the basketball court as we were playing, i turn my head and see the basketball team walk in and with them is angel i wave at him and he winks at me and i continue practicing with the girls and the rest of the team, practice was pretty easy besides the times angel was distracting me, well he wasn't really but when i would look at him he would wink at me or lick his lips so it was pretty hard to focus, after we were done it was time to go home so i didn't bother changing i just got my bag and walked out then angel followed behind me, i didn't realize at first i only noticed because he hit my butt
Y: OWW that shit hurt
An: hahahaha you liked it tho
Y: doesn't mean it didn't hurt ass
An: you'll be fine, i can massage it
Y: you're such a flirt and no i'm good lol
An: maybe next time
Y: anyways come on
we go to my car with everyone else and i get in the drivers seat and angel gets in the passenger seat while i'm driving he puts his hand my thigh and starts making circles with his finger so when i turned on the radio and everyone was yelling i decided to speak
Y: for someone i just met you sure are flirty
An: what can i say you're beautiful
Y: and you're cringy
An: oh wait let me change that, what can i say you fine as fuck shawty
Y: oh nvm go back to the first one
i say laughing hard then we get to the house and mattia, kairi and all them go home while everyone else goes their room but me and angel went in the living room and sit on the couch watching The Walking Dead on netflix
An: why you all the way over there
Y: i'm literally about two feet from you
An: come closer
Y: where is closer
An: right here
when he says this he's patting his lap so i get up and go in my room and get a blanket then come back out and sit on his lap
Y: don't try nothing slick
An: i make no promises
the way im sitting on his lap is im facing him with my knees bent and straddled on both sides of his legs sitting down with my face in the crook of his neck and his arms wrapped around my waist, later while watching a movie we both fall asleep

Cherry POV
me and artis are chilling in our room then i get hungry so we walk downstairs and see y/n and angel, so i go get everyone and make them come downstairs and now we're all looking at them
M: i ship it
K: fr tho she's been single for months
V: yessir bestie out here again
Ans: as she should
A: isn't this a little weird watching them
J: no it's adorable
Ta: fr stop hating andre
while we were talking about how cute they looked they moved so now they were laying down but in the same position
C: her leg gone be numb ash when she wakes up
De: ok can we go now
C: is big boy dejuane jealous
De: no this is just awkward
Art: you're definitely jealous
De: ok
dejuane walked off obviously jealous and davine followed then everyone left and me and artis got our snacks and walked back upstairs in our room and ate and played around then fell asleep
end of cherry POV

wonder what angel said 👀👀👀

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