part 191

503 17 12

once the kids were tired y/n got up picking up the toys while corey packed since he had to leave tomorrow so while y/n picked up toys and crying he picked her up sitting her on his lap making her face him while she constantly had to wipe her tears that were falling down at a rapid pace

Corey: stop crying
Y: it's just like last time when you left
Corey: yea but as you see i came back
Y: yea after months
Corey: but i'm still here
Y: but i missed you so much
Corey: i'll be a flight away whenever you need me no matter what time or what day
Y: ok
Corey: stop crying
Y: i can't i waited months for you to come back and now you're leaving again after 2 days
Corey: i can't help it y/n you have no idea what i would give to stay with you but i have to go but you can come visit me some day
Y: sure
Corey: my big baby come here

corey hugged y/n and lifted her up laying down on the bed and she buried her face in his chest crying while he hugged her and rubbed her back

Corey: it's ok y/n
Y: no it's not corey
Corey: yes it is i'll come see you and you'll come see me
Y: but what if you're always busy like last time
Corey: do you love me as much as you say you do
Y: of course
Corey: and i love you just as much so we'll make time for each other
Y: sure yea i guess just hold me please
Corey: sure
Y: and don't let go
Corey: i won't
Y: say it say you won't let go
Corey: i won't let go

y/n squeezed corey tight and kept her face buried in his chest letting a few tears slip and he did exactly what he said not one second past where he didn't hold on to y/n then as morning rolled around kobe took the kids to school and y/n went with corey to take him to the airport and as he grabbed his bags and they walked in talking for what felt like seconds then his flight was called and y/n kissed him hard but passionate and a few of her tears collided on his face and she hugged him one last time before seeing him walk off on his flight and she got in her car staying in the parking lot for a few minutes just crying then she went to the movie theater and watched the same movie her and corey watched and she sat there drinking a coke with a few tears running gently on her cheeks then someone laid their hand on hers and she looked over giving them a small smile

Cherry: what's wrong pretty girl
Y: life
Cherry: wanna talk about it
Y: yea actually alright so i find a guy that finally treats me right and makes me feel wanted and after 8 fucking months with this boy he has to go half way across the world then he comes back for 2 days and just like that he's gone again
Cherry: love is a messed up thing sometimes
Y: but why does it always have to be messed up with me like you and artis have been together since i met y'all and you guys haven't broken up since
Cherry: because me and artis work out our differences and we make compromises for each other
Y: that's hard for me because i can't just move to canada and i can't ask him to move back here because that's selfish and everything he's grown to know and love is where he's at right now
Cherry: well if you really love him then you'll support him no matter where he's at and you'll make something work no matter the situation you just have to be willing to put forth a lot of effort from now on
Y: your right if he's willing to come visit me and put forth effort then with kids and all i might have to put forth a little more
Cherry: that's the spirit don't let your man go that easily
Y: oh sis trust me i wasn't letting him go even if he wanted me to
Cherry: that's my girl

they kept talking until the movie was over so y/n grabbed her drink throwing it away and she continued talking to cherry until they got in their cars and driving off then while y/n sat in the car for a little longer she got a call from corey so she answered trying not to make it noticeable she was crying

Corey: haha we have a little flight delay so i'm in michigan for a little
Y: oh are you ok
Corey: i'm fine but when you get home i need you to go home and look under your pillow i think i forgot something
Y: um ok

they talked for hours until corey had to go and it was getting dark out so once they hung up y/n went home going into her room and looking under her pilllow seeing a necklace and a ring so she put the ring on with watery eyes and put the necklace on then she realized there was a note along with it so she picked it up reading it and it turns out that ring was the one he planned on purposing with but since he never knew if he would get the chance he wanted to give it to her as a way of saying once his life was situated then they would get married and the necklace was coreys name so as y/n stood in the mirror she fixed her hair around the necklace so it was noticeable then she put the note in the scrapbook and thought about how she basically got purposed to in a note but she found it cute and she started playing music and dancing around smiling really hard then she plopped on her bed looking at the ceiling crying tears of joy

good morning 😔❤️

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