part 176

480 17 20

hours later y/n said good night to the others and went to her room laying down in her bed and as she was about to go to sleep until dejuane came in her room just rambling about random shit and he was semi sober but not fully but he just kept talking a lot so y/n turned on music and laid a pillow on her face and tried to drown him out but he threw the pillow off her head and cupped her face kissing her she kissed back for a second until she realized he's just messing with her emotions again so she pushed him off of her with a little tear going down her face and she put on her shoes and ran past him and out the door going to her spot and as she started going to it she saw someone else sitting there but she kept walking over and she just sat next to them looking into the sky

??: hey am i in your spot??
Y: no it's fine i don't mind sharing
??: may i ask why you're here
Y: i use this spot to help clear my mind
??: oh i'm sorry i must be bothering you then
Y: oh no it's fine sometimes it's helpful when i have someone to talk to
??: oh
Y: well why are you here
??: i just moved here today and i was just walking around to try and find a "spot" and i really like this one
Y: oh so we both found this spot for the same purpose
??: i guess so
Y: where'd you move from
??: i came from Canada
Y: oh wow you're really far from home
??: yea it's pretty scary
Y: what made you come to jersey from canada
??: i've always wanted to come to jersey but i never planned on living here it was just a last minute decision
Y: well if you ever need i can show you around i've been here for almost 2 years now and i have way more friends than i need so we'll be more than glad to help you out
??: that would actually be so helpful if you don't mind
Y: no it's completely fine just give me your number and whichever day is good for you is good for us
??: ok

y/n got their number and after that they just talked for a while until she got up about to leave

??: wait i never got your name
Y: oh how rude of me i'm y/n nice to properly meet you and you are
??: i'm corey nice to meet you too

??: wait i never got your nameY: oh how rude of me i'm y/n nice to properly meet you and you are ??: i'm corey nice to meet you too

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corey ^^ (yes i know he has a girl but in this he doesn't)

after that y/n waved bye to corey and she jogged off while corey watched her then once she was out of view he got up and went back inside his car going home but on y/ns jog home she stopped at a gas station because she was hungry then she saw nique so they talked for a while and turns out she was in town for a movie and she asked y/n if she wanted to be in it so she agreed then nique volunteered to take y/n home so they got in her car and once they made it to the house y/n thanked nique and walked into the house jogging in her room seeing dejuane gone so she went and showered again then sat on her bed when she got a text from corey

Corey 😋
C: is tomorrow a good day for you to show me around because the day after i have somewhere to be
Y: same so yea tomorrow is great
C: alright see you then once again thank you
Y: of course it's no problem
C: i'll text you my address tomorrow
Y: alright see you then good night
C: good night don't let the bed bugs bite
Y: omg you're so dumb
C: haha one of my many talents
Y: is it now
C: yes ma'am actually one of my specialties
Y: i bet it is
C: haha bye y/n
Y: bye corey
*end of messages

after that y/n let out a small laugh then put her phone on dnd and put it on the charger then turned on her tv and put her hair into a bun and got up putting on a face mask and after it was dried she took it off then washed her face wit cera-ve then she found an outfit for tomorrow and laid back down on the bed watching tv until kairi came in with strawberries dipped in chocolate

Y: what is this for bubs
Kairi: a gift for you being so strong through all of this
Y: bruh stop before you make me cry
Kairi: well cry y/n because you deserve this
Y: i love you so much kairi
Kairi: i love you too y/n now this is just for you so don't let the other fat asses eat it
Y: can your fat ass eat it with me
Kairi: first off i'm not fat but yes i would love to eat it with you
Y: come on let's sit down and watch anime
Kairi: oh this sounds like the life
Y: doesn't it
Kairi: so how was your jog
Y: relaxing oh i met someone also
Kairi: omg spill who?!
Y: ok calm down bubs haha
Kairi: come on tell me
Y: alright alright his name is corey
Kairi: how does he look?? how tall is he?? is he nice?? how old is he?? what's his favorite color??
Y: he's light skin with amazing kinky curls
Kairi: of course
Y: fuck off and let me finish
Kairi: ok continue
Y: he's tall maybe even taller than dejuane
Kairi: oh maybe he can beat his ass
Y: no none of that but he's also so nice and funny
Kairi: that's always a good thing
Y: but i don't know his age or his favorite color
Kairi: omg what if he's younger than us and you become a registered sex offender
Y: first off he moved her by himself and has a car so he's definitely our age maybe older so shut up dummy
Kairi: well if he makes you happy then i'm happy!!!
Y: shh and we aren't even together i just met him
Kairi: not yet
Y: maybe not ever
Kairi: for now

y/n rolls her eyes and her and kairi eat the strawberries and watch anime until they get tired so kairi hugs y/n and goes in the room with gabby and y/n takes the strawberries and puts them in her mini frig in her room and laid back down on her bed falling asleep

couldn't go back to sleep so why not 😙

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