part 172

457 16 13

Dejuane pov:
after hours lucianna started making the kids dinner while i sat on the couch with them talking and after a while she finished so i put them on one of the chairs around the table while lucianna brought the plates and laid it in front of them

Lucianna: blow it first it's hot
Azlynn: thank you
Lucianna: you're welcome azzy
Dj: only mama can call her azzy
Lucianna: i'm sorry
Dj: daddy i don't want this
Dejuane: just eat it and i'll buy you something else for breakfast
Dj: no i don't want it
Lucianna: why not why are you being ungrateful
Dj: i don't want it i'll only eat my mommy's cooking
Lucianna: well your mommy isn't here
Dj: call her
Lucianna: stop being a brat and eat the food like your sister
Dj: no cal her!!
Dejuane: ok stop yelling

dejuane pulls out his phone calling y/n over and over and it took nearly 27 times until she woke up tired answering the phone

Y: what dejuane
Dejuane: dj doesn't want to eat luciannas food and he wouldn't stop yelling until i called you
Y: do you blame him though
Dejuane: no but can you bring him food or come and make him something
Y: i'll make him something because i already spent enough on him today
Dejuane: ok how long until you get here
Y: about 20 minutes
Dejuane: alright love you
Y: love you too

dejuane hangs up the phone shaking his head and putting it in his pocket as he look up and sees lucianna tapping her foot with her arms crossed

Dejuane: what
Lucianna: did you really tell her you loved her right in front of me
Dejuane: here we go again
Lucianna: yea here we go again because you are making me look like a clown
Dejuane: i'm not doing this right now
Lucianna: then when
Dejuane: hmmm never

dejuane walks off going upstairs getting on his phone until y/n texts him letting him know she's outside and he comes down opening then door for her and giving her a hug then she walks in the kitchen making food for dj and sitting it down while he ate and talked to her then after he was done she picked up azlynn and dj taking them upstairs to get ready for bed then she put on a cartoon for them and went back downstairs washing their dishes and the ones lucianna used and once she was all done she grabbed her keys walking out until dejuane stepped outside and closed the door behind him

Dejuane: y/n
Y: huh
Dejuane: i just wanted to thank you and let you know you're the best
Y: haha thank you it's just what i do you know
Dejuane: alright don't get too cocky
Y: well then don't hype my head up like that
Dejuane: anyways thank you for real
Y: alright for real it was really no problem
Dejuane: i can always count on you to help with the kids no matter how late it is
Y: well duh i love them to death i'd do anything for them no matter what time of day
Dejuane: thank you
Y: of course

dejuane and y/n hug and when they pull apart dejuane just looks down at y/n looking at her eyes then a few seconds later he leans in and y/n does the same and now they're kissing on his front door step but once they pulled apart y/n smiled as dejuane did the same and she told him bye and got in her car driving home thinking about what just happened and as she walked through the door and into her room plopping on her bed she let out a scream and mattia and alejandro woke up rubbing their eyes and asking what happened and she told them by now they were all yelling like a bunch of little girls and gossiping about how they wondered if he would tell lucianna and they kept talking until she got another call from dejuane but dj and azlynn popped up

Y: hey my babies
Dj: hey mama i wanted to say goodnight
Y: aww goodnight baby i love you
Dj: i love you too mama

dj got out of the frame and went to sleep and it was just y/n and azlynn looking at each other and she burst out laughing making y/n smile

Y: what baby
Azlynn: i don't know
Y: girl go to sleep
Azlynn: i'm not tired
Y: want me to stay up with you until you get sleepy
Azlynn: yes please

y/n stays on the phone talking to azlynn and they watched shows together, movies together, and they played some games together then once azlynn fell asleep dejuane got his phone and told y/n goodnight as she said it back then he hung up and got showered and went into the separate room with lucianna while they stayed up half the night arguing back and forth while at y/ns house her and the group were all peacefully sleeping

short chapter but i made a gc with a bunch of people 😭 it's funny lmk if y'all want in it's on instagram

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