part 25

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~1 month~
today is the day me and diego "break up" i was so happy this month has been hell and dejuane started dating lauren but she's been talking to diego on the low i didn't bother telling dejuane tho because why would i, anyways i get dressed and i get in my car since me and diego are gonna act like he's been acting distant, i pull up to school and say hi to everyone and as a part of the plan i try to hug diego but he backs away and the group notices but we just go to class which for our first is gym like always with dejuane, lauren, andre, cherry and obviously me like plan when we walk in and diego is kissing lauren
De: wtf bruh
Y: what the hell is going on here
Di: i don't want you anymore
Y: so you didn't think to tell me instead of cheating you fucking hoe
Di: who tf you talking to all because no one wants you
i started to get a little confused because this wasn't apart of the plan
Y: wtf is wrong with you
Di: you're just mad because dejuane didn't love you enough to stay with you or your dad you just met him after he left you for 5 years and he had you replaced you mean nothing to no one your mom leaves for days without even checking on you and you think someone cares about you
by now i was actually crying because nun of this was apart of the plan i walk up to diego and slap him
i run out bawling my eyes out
i get in my car and drive off just crying and speeding then everything goes black and i wake up in a hospital bed with everyone around me even kairi and the rest of them
Y: why am i here
Y/m: baby are you ok
Y: yes my head hurts but that's it why am i here
C: when you left crying you later crashed
i just start laughing while everyone looks at me like i'm crazy
D: why are you laughing
Y: because out of everything i get in a crash
K: but how is that funny
Y: because i laughed
V: well at least we know she's still y/n
Y: fuck you
we all laugh then the doctor comes in
Doc: hey y/n how you doing
Y: good my head just hurts
Doc: that's because you have a concussion but you'll be fine in a few days just avoid from hitting your head
Y: ok
Doc: we'll be back with your paperwork then you can leave
Y: alright thank you
just then dejuane came in with flowers and a card
Y/m: y/n who is this
Y: this is my ex dejuane
Y/m: oh well how may i help you young man
De: i just came to give this card and flowers to y/n
Y/m: ok give them to her, and why did y'all break up
Y: you want the truth
Y/m: ofc
Y: well it's because he cheated and it was all over social media
Y/m: oh ok i'm that case get out
De: ok i will
he said looking down and looking genuinely sad just then i did something that i knew i was gonna regret
Y: it's ok dejuane you can stay
De: are you sure
Y: yea
he came back in and sat right next to me massaging my thigh then the doctor came in
Doc: alright here's your paperwork and here's a prescription for you head
i grabbed the stuff and thanked her then my mom had to go back to work so she left and dejuane took me home once he dropped me off i expected him to leave but he came in with me and followed me all the way to my room
Y: why are you still here
De: because i want you to read the card
Y: can't i do that without you around
De: no now just read the damn card
Y: ok ok
i read it and it's so cute and sweet i tear up a little
Y: aww dejuane thank you so much
De: you deserve it i've put you thru so much shit but i promise if you give me just another i promise to make you the happiest girl in the world
Y: fine dejuane i'll give you another chance
dejuane comes and sit down next to me and i get in his lap and we start making out but i pull away
Y: i ain't forget about you and malu tho you nasty bitch
i gave him another peck then got off of him
De: come on bruh
Y: uhh...... nah i'm good
De: why
Y: because i don't have sex with streets
De: wow i'm hurt
Y: you should be
i turn on the tv and watch Princess and the frog and then i turn on my leds and ofc they turn to red so dejuane stops them on that color and hovers over me
Y: could've sworn i said i that i don't fuck streets
De: well you're about to
Y: bruh 😭😭
i say laughing
Y: who says something like that, that wasn't attractive
i say laughing 10x harder
De: whatever
he turns to lights back on so they are flashing multiple colors
Y: aww did i make big dejuane upset
De: shut up
Y: well you the one said that dumbass thing
i say still laughing
De: whatever
he says going to sleep and facing the other way
Y: cry baby
i get up and shower then once i finish i get dressed in a tank top and shorts and go downstairs watching tvd
he didn't say anything so i rolled my eyes and went upstairs and got my purse and keys
De: where you going
Y: why
De: because your not even covered
Y: i'm going to the store since you must know
De: well then i'm coming
Y: i'm good
De: didn't ask
he got up and put on a shirt and his shoes then threw me his hoodie
De: put that on
Y: no
De: yes you're not going out like that
Y: i'm good
we go get on the car and go to walmart while we're in this man keeps looking at me now i was wishing i would've took the hoodie i go on one aisle by myself and the man follows me
??: hey cutie
i ignore him and keep walking then he hits my butt so i turn around obviously uncomfortable
Y: bro wtf leave me alone
??: what's your name cutie
Y: oh my name is get the fuck out of my face
i pull out my phone and call dejuane
Y: bae??
De: huh
Y: where are you??
De: on the clothes section finding onesies
Y: ok that's cute af but that's on the other half of the store and this man just hit my butt and he won't leave me alone
De: i'm coming rn
i hung up then i noticed the man still staring at me like i can't see him
Y: bruh i can still see you leave me alone i'm not interested and i have a boyfriend
??: i don't see him
Y: he's coming
i start walking off the the man cuts me off my by getting in front of me so i start backing up because he's walking towards then he grabs my wrist
Y: bro let go of me
??: no your mine now
Y: actually no i'm not and you look old enough to be my grandpa so like i said let me go
??: i'm good
Y: ok well then turn around
he was dumb enough to turn around and when he did dejuane punched him making him fall in the floor
De: she said leave alone
Y: thank you
De: now get up and go away before i call the cops
the man walked off obviously mad that he just got punched in the face i go to dejuane and try to hug him but he pushes me off i guess he's mad i didn't listen to him but idc we continue shopping and even tho dejuane didn't want to i get stuff for halloween and get us matching costumes and the onesies with hella snacks and tell me why this bitch went back to the car after the situation so the man followed me around again and kept hitting my butt and i had no one to help me so i told a manager and he walked me to the car and gave me his number AS FRIENDS and i gave him a thank you hug and got in the car and dejuane looked 50x more pissed
Y/n thoughts 💭
well tonight is going to be interesting
end of y/n thoughts 💭

stop playing and read my other book also 😈

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