part 118

476 17 8

as i woke up mattia and kairi were still there but everyone else was gone so i wake them up then we go shower and get dressed back into our pajamas then we get in my car and head to waffle house we just eat and talk then we get back home and no one is still there so we watch movies and go get ice cream and sit down at a park bench and talk then we go to the beach and walk around and joke around just throwing sand at each other, running around, doing flips and swimming then we go back home after hours and we shower then go downstairs and order food and eat while watching Family Guy and laughing and singing the theme song then we started blasting music and singing Nothing On You and as we were yelling the group came inside but since we were singing and yelling with our eyes closed we didn't hear or see anything

Kairi: YEA YEA

we kept singing our hearts out then the music goes off so we open our eyes and see the group standing there looking at us

Y: haha oh shit when y'all get here
Andre: literally 2 minutes ago
Mattia: where were y'all
Nia: oh we we're hanging out with lucianna all day
Kairi: so y'all are all friends
Lexi: yea she's really cool
Y: oh um that's cool i guess do y'all remember what tomorrow is??
Dejuane: nothing important i'm pretty sure
Y: oh yea haha must've got the day mixed up

since i already had my keys i walk out the door and get my keys and drive off to dejuanes mom house and when i get there even though she said no i gave her money for her treatments and she hugged me and cried then i got the kids and brought them home but when i went inside this time everyone was gone so i let out a loud sigh and me and the kids stayed in the living room playing around and laughing then the kids told me about dejuanes 20th birthday party he had while i was in the hospital and it made me happy knowing he had fun but after a while i cried because at this point i didn't think anyone remembered what tomorrow was then the kids ask what's wrong but i just say nothing then they wipe my tears and give me kisses causing me to smile then i get up and turn on cartoons for them as i go in the kitchen and make them some food then once it's finished i make them plates and they eat then i go and get them bathed then i put them in my bed and turn on a movie for them until they go to sleep then HOURS later the group comes home

Ansley: dang you're still awake
Y: yup where'd y'all go
Jaden: out with lucianna getting to know her more
Dejuane: why??
Y: do y'all seriously not know what tomorrow is
Kobe: y/n if this is a prank it's not funny what's so important about tomorrow
Kairi: even i don't know
Y: well damn kairi you're the last person i expected not to know
Mike: can you just tell us instead of playing a damn guessing game
Y: it wouldn't be a guessing game if y'all gave a fuck about me
Manolo: bro fucking tell us
Y: nun have fun with lucianna

it hit me that they really didn't know what tomorrow so i go upstairs and lock my door and turn my music on full blast but the kids stayed sleep because they loved sleeping to music then nique calls at 12:00am so i put in my headphones

*during the call*
Y: thank you cutie!!!
Y: i'd be more hype if literally all my friends didn't forget
Nique: wait you can't be serious
Y: i wish i was but every single last one of them forgot
Nique: i'm sorry babes let's go party tomorrow just us
Y: i can't i got the kids
Nique: well let's get them dressed up and we get dressed up and we'll go out to eat then maybe to the bowling alley
Y: ok but that does sound fun
Nique: alright be ready by 3:00pm
Y: alright bye love you
Nique: bye love you too

*end of call*

after i hang up i go to my dresser and find nice outfits and shoes for me and the kids then once i'm finished i go downstairs and go in the refrigerator trying to find something to eat

Chris: aye can i meet the kids
Y: they're sleep but sure i can show you them

i find some grapes then i take chris upstairs to see them and i point them out one by one letting him know which is which and his favorite was automatically dj which i didn't really get how but it didn't bother me so once he saw them and learned their names he went back downstairs and so did i then i went back to the kitchen trying to find something to drink

Mike: so are you gonna tell us or not
Y: can you leave me alone thanks
Lucianna: what's wrong
Y: .........
Dejuane: but i though y'all said y/n was nice to everyone unless she had a reason to be mean ha
Mattia: well she's not usually like this
Y: y'all are funny
Derek: no ones playing y/n
Y: ok then keep it that way y'all have y'all lil friend group and i'll do me
Dixie: y/n i love you but you're being a overdramatic bitch
Y: ok
Nia: saying ok isn't helping shit either
Y: ok

then i walk back upstairs with my grapes and water and i sit down eating them and liking birthday edits and following people that made me one and reposting them then i get in bed falling asleep next to the kids

switching up friends🤭

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