part 55

818 16 17

                                ~1 month later~

it was time for me to go see nique which she lived in texas and she asked me to bring dejuane so we can do a couple q&a even though me and dejuane aren't together but whatever, dejuane also broke up with malu about a week ago and ofc she was mad and sad but it is what it is, hailey promised to watch azlynn and dj but i was still sad to leave dj since he had separation issues but at least he liked hailey so he'll be fine for a week, nique wanted me and dejuane to match so we decided to go with red as the color

it was time for me to go see nique which she lived in texas and she asked me to bring dejuane so we can do a couple q&a even though me and dejuane aren't together but whatever, dejuane also broke up with malu about a week ago and ofc she was mad a...

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^^i wore this minus the phone

^^i wore this minus the phone

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^^and dejuane wore that 

once we got dressed and had our stuff in the car we went inside and hugged and said goodbye to everyone then i kissed azlynn and gave her a hug then i did the same to dj but also gave him one of my old teddy bears that smelled like me so whenever he started to cry they could give him that so he could calm down then i told them when to make sure they were sleep and when to make sure they were awake and when to feed them and how bathing them should go and who uses what towel and what goes on who's face

Dejuane: y/n come on before we miss the flight
Y: omg fine i love you guys
Azlynn: i love you too mommy and i love you also daddy
Dejuane: i love you too ally (that's her nickname)

after that we walked out the house and got in the car listening to music and eating and talking until we got to the airport then they made sure our bags were the right size then they took them while we made sure our tickets were good then we went and sat down and waited for our flight to be called

Dejuane: excited??
Y: um i guess
Dejuane: don't sound excited
Y: i don't wanna leave the kids by themselves
Dejuane: they'll be fine
Y: i hope because you know derek dumb ash
Dejuane: true

i then turn sideways and lay my legs across dejuanes lap and got on my phone texting people then alvaro facetimed me and i haven't heard from him in a while so i wondered what he wanted

*during the call*
Alvaro: hey y/n
Y: hey what's up
Alvaro: where you at
Y: the airport
Alvaro: by yourself??
Y: no with dejuane see
Alvaro: oh ok where y'all going
Y: you nosey ash but we're going to texas
Alvaro: why
Y: alvaro what do you want lol
Alvaro: dang i was just asking
Y: oh ok
(just then the flight attendant calls our flight)
Y: alright love you alvaro but i got to go
Alvaro: alright y/n love you too
*end of call*

after i hung up me and dejuane got up and walked to the line to give the lady our tickets

Lady: where to??
Y: texas
Lady: alright and who's this
Y: his name is dejuane why??
Lady: is he single
Y: yea like i just said why??
Lady: can i have his number
Y: hahaha no

then i grabbed dejuane and we went on the plane and sat in our seats waiting for the plane to take off then once it did i laid my head back and fell asleep and when i woke up we were landing and they were telling us to make sure our seatbelts were secured and after all that was done we landed we got off and went to baggage claim to get our suitcases then we saw nique and king waiting for us so we walked up to them

Nique: omg it's so nice to meet you guys
Y: nice to meet you too
King: who's this
Dejuane: i'm dejuane
Nique: hey dejuane so what's up with you and y/n
Dejuane: well we were engaged for a little while then we postponed it but as of the right now the wedding should still be in a year and a half
King: so y'all plan on getting back together??
Y: maybe yea
King: oh ok then well come on

they start walking towards there cars then me and dejuane look at each other and smiled awkwardly because that conversation was hella awkward then i put all my stuff in nique car and dejuane put his in kings then we headed to their deluxe apartment

bruh idk what to do someone said they should get back together and someone else said they shouldn't 😭

^^thats nique and king in case you didn't know 😁

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