part 89

613 19 18

i woke up to gentle knocking on my door and when i open my eyes i see jared with some tylenol and water and as he sees that i'm up he walks in and hands it to me then sits down on the foot of my bed

Y: thank you
Jared: no problem i could tell your head was hurting
Y: did they leave yet
Jared: some of them derek, mike, hailey, and ansley are still here
Y: can you send them up here please
Jared: for sure

jared goes out the room while i take the medicine then i hear them coming up the stairs and i can tell derek is in the front due to his stepping pattern then next thing i know derek jumped on my bed and landed on my ankle and made it go sideways then i heard a crack

Derek: omg y/n i'm so sorry
Y: it's ok derek i'm probably just overreacting
Mike: are you sure we all heard it crack
Y: i'm fine guys
Ansley: prove it
Y: no now come on so i can talk to y'all like i brought y'all in here for
Hailey: we were just about to leave
Y: ik i just wanted to talk and hug you guys before y'all left
Mike: stop before you make us miss you
Y: well shit the whole house knows where i live now so it's not like y'all can't visit
Derek: i'll definitely visit the most
Y: i bet you will now come give me my hugs before you guys leave

they all come to me and i hug them individually then they walk out after saying bye and once i hear the front door open and close i try and head to kobe's room because that's where the kids are but as soon as i put my foot on the ground the pain becomes too much and i fall down grabbing it and crying then larray walks in

Larray: bitch what's wrong
Y: when derek was here he jumped on my ankle and i think he might've broke it
Larray: omg why would he do that
Y: i promise you derek would never hurt me on purpose he didn't mean to so i wasn't going to tell him how bad it hurt because i know he would feel like shit
Larray: ok but you either need to go to the hospital or get back in bed
Y: i don't need to go to the hospital just help me back in the bed and hoist my leg up and get me an ice pack
Larray: ok but why don't you wanna go to the hospital
Y: i don't want to bother anyone
Larray: bitch you sound dumb
Y: omg please just help me

larray lifts me up and put me on the bed then he hoist my leg up on 3 pillows then he went to the kitchen and filled a zip lock bag full of ice then came back up and put it on my ankle

Y: thank you
Larray: no problem now stay there if you get hungry then bitch eat out of your fridge
Y: here i was thinking you were gone say sum sweet
Larray: you know me better than that
Y: bitch get out
Larray: shut up before i break the other ankle
Y: boy these hands work perfectly fine
Larray: whatever now go to sleep before i suffocate your dumbass
Y: chile why are you still in here
Larray: bitch

larray walks out while i laugh then i turn on the tv and put on vampire diaries while eating some chips i had then dj comes in and climbs on the bed laying on my chest so i rub his back and he eats the chips with me and since he came in the room i decided to put it on a cartoon so we were now watching garfield and i was having small conversations with him until he fell asleep then i turned off the tv and took more tylenol because the pain of my ankle was getting worse so i slowly sat up holding on to djs back and i took the ice pack off and saw my ankle was swelling up so i call the only person that i knew would be useful besides the bitches in this house that play too damn much with they fugly asses lol

Y: hey um derek might've broke my ankle do you think you can come and take me to the emergency room
??: what's wrong with it
Y: it's swelling and turning purple and the pain is becoming more than i can take
??: did you put ice on it
Y: duh dumbass now come fucking help
??: don't make me slap that fat shit and say i like ya cut g
Y: dejuane thomas mother fucking mccoy come and help me before i choke your dumbass in your fucking sleep
Dejuane: ok ok i'm coming damn
Y: bout fucking time bye now

i hang up and lay back down crying into djs hair as my ankle throbbed while i waited for dejuane i watched a movie while i cried the whole time since he did live 2 hours away from me then 2 hours later i heard a knock on the front door but i couldn't get up to open it so i call dejuane again

Dejuane: come open the door
Y: bitch i can't just get the fucking spare key under the fake rock
Dejuane: girl i will leave your ass up there keep playing
Y: and i'll kill you
Dejuane: bitch you can't even get up
Dejuane: omg shut up i'm coming

i hang up and throw my phone then dj gets up rubbing his eyes then he gets off the bed and goes back to kobe's room and when he leaves out dejuane comes in my room and he helps me up then i limp down the stairs and out the door making sure to lock it then we get into his car and my phone goes off

Sora: where you go??
Y: i'm going to the hospital
Sora: why are you ok
Y: i'm pretty sure my ankle broke when derek jumped on it
Sora: we'll meet you up there
Y: ok

i hang up then i put my foot on dejuanes dash board to try and ease the pain

Dejuane: um get that ugly ankle off my shit
Y: dejuane i will slap ts out of you i don't care if you're driving
Dejuane: and i'll slap your ankle
Y: and i'll cut them mf curls off
Dejuane: and i'll do the same to you tf
Y: i'm going to kill you
Dejuane: try it
Y: bitch you're so lucky you're driving
Dejuane: that's what i thought
Y: bitch

he continued driving and dejuane continues getting on my mf nerves then we get to the hospital and we go in and once we got inside they immediately take me to a room and later some doctors came in and that started sticking needles into my ankle and ejected something then once they finished my ankle was back to normal but it was turned sideways so they made me count to three and as soon as i said three they snapped in back in place and i let out an ear screeching yell and i started crying my ass off

Dejuane: bitch you are 19 why you crying so loud
Y: mf this shit hurts and your bitch ass over there sitting down like a mf prince or some shit
Dejuane: i'm sorry massa let me get up
Y: dejuane i'm not about to keep playing with you bitch i will drag you by them dry ass curls
Dejuane: sweetie my curls could never be dry
Y: like justin bieber said never say never because bitch they is drier than the sahara desert
Dejuane: oh yea i'm gonna stay sitting down with my FIXED ankles
Y: stupid bitch

the doctors just stand there listening to our conversation then they go get me a cast and as they're wrapping it up i put my arm on my forehead just trying to calm down then once they finish wrapping it they ask what color i wanted and i said purple and once they put it on all you could see was my toes sticking out the end then the group, the old one and new one came in

Derek: y/n i'm so sorry
Y: it's fine derek i promise
Dejuane: bitch you were just crying
Y: and your bitch ass was sitting there hoe
Devyn: it's you still sitting there for me
Y: exactly with his bitch ass
Sora: i'll comfort you
Y: sora back the fuck up
Sora: i'm hurt
Y: where's the kids
Kobe: at dejuanes mom house
Y: ok
Mike: girl you looked fucked up
Ansley: why tf would you tell her that
Y: exactly fuck you mike
Tatyanah: are you ok
Y: hell no
Manolo: you do look bad
Smitty: not like bad but bad
Donn: like you got hit by a bus but survived
Jared: more like a dog attacked you and won
Diego: nah like you got into a fight and lost bad
Lexi: no like you fell on the ground face first
Nia: then a dog attacked you
Monroe: hey dejuane

monroe says going and sitting next to dejuane then putting her hand on his shoulder

Dejuane: .........imma stand next to y/n
Tatyanah: haha
Y: imagine
Josh: we told you stop trying
HaiHai: exactly it's embarrassing to watch at this point
Y: aren't you trying to get with josh
Jaden: she sure is
Ballo: imagine
Kay: thinking we give a fuck
Y: kay i'll bury you and dejuane in the same grave bitch
Dejuane&Kay: do it then
Y: i can't stand you hoes

i talked to everyone for a little longer then they left and dejuane stayed and i made him sleep on the hospital couch then i fell asleep watching whatever bullshit they had playing on tv

some of y'all responses here having me crying 😭

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