part 54

765 21 16

(bruh this song be having me ASCENDING😭)

once they walked in they went to ashton and the group stood behind dejuane while dejuane stood in front of him

Dejuane: what's going on
Y: lemongrab won't leave us alone
Ashton: my name is ashton beautiful
Y: omg

i say putting my hand on my forehead and shaking my head

Dejuane: she's obviously not interested dude
Ashton: you don't know what she's interested in
Y: bro if you think i'm interested after all this time then you're dumb ass fuck
Ashton: you're just playing hard to get
Y: yea it's is hard to get away from your ass
Ashton: don't be like that mamas
Y: omg stop calling me that before i gag
Ashton: i can make you gag
Kairi: bro what?!!
Andre: nah cuz you wildin go sit your ass down somewhere
Ashton: ok

then he sits next to me and puts his hand on my face caressing my cheek so i slap his hand

Y: get them dirty ass hands off my face
Dejuane: aye bro i've been letting you slide with these slick ass remarks but you running out
Ashton: you even are you??
Y: my fiancé shit face
Ashton: oof and you called me ugly
Y: yes nigga have you looked at yourself
Justin: bro you is ugly asf
Dejuane: ong you who you talking to
Ashton: you obviously
Y: oh so you bold bold
Ashton: for you and my step kids ofc

when he said this i went 😬 then looked at dejuane who looked beyond pissed then i gave azlynn my phone so she could watch a movie and i gave dj to hailey

Dejuane: mane wtf you just say
Ashton: you heard me

by now ashton aka lemongrab is standing in front of dejuane and i saw dejuane clench his fist so i knew ashton had one more time to say something before dejuane hits him so i step in between them

Y: ok, ok that's enough it's fine we can just leave the kids are done playing anyways
Azlynn: wait can i go cash in my tickets
Y: sure hailey and derek can you guys take her
Derek: yea we'll be back
Y: thanks, now back to you two calm down
Dejuane: nah cause bitch boy got one more time
Ashton: who you talking to
Dejuane: you dumbass
Ashton: man fuck you

once they looked like they calmed down i moved out the way to get my purse and when i turned back around dejuane punched ashton making him fall to the ground so i get in between them to try and stop them but ashtons dumbass swings and misses dejaune and hits me but you know i ate that shit mainly because he was weak ash but my head did turn so dejuane gently moved me out of the way and started beating the crap out of ashton while at this point i just watched until he finished and walked out so we all followed him then about 15 minutes later azlynn runs out with hailey, derek, dj and the twins and she jumps up and i catch her picking her up

Y: hey sweetie
Azlynn: look what i got mama

i looked and she had a chuck e. cheese plush doll which was basically just a big rat

Y: oh it's...cuteeeeee
Hailey: yea it's cute azlynn

i put her down and she runs to show dejuane but when she gets to him she sees his knuckles bruised and bleeding a little (not because he lost 💀) so she runs back to me

Azlynn: mommy what wrong with daddy
Y: umm daddy.....fell on his knuckles
Derek: omg your terrible at lying
Y: shut up i tried but anyways he's fine azlynn i promise

then she runs back to dejuane and he picks her up and puts her on his lap, playing and talking to her then after a while we all get in the car and go home and once we're inside everyone goes to their rooms and plop down, exhausted ash on their beds while the kids stay in the living room playing and hailey has dj in the living room also, so i go in the room and shower then put on my pajamas then dejuane came in

Y: what's up
Dejuane: can you clean up my knuckles
Y: oh sure sit down

i walked off and went to the bathroom to get the first aid kit while dejuane sat down on the bed and once i found it i walked out the bathroom and walked over to dejuane grabbing his hand, first i put alcohol

Dejuane: oh shit
Y: i'm sorry

after that i wrap his knuckles up and while i do so i can see him looking up at me staring then once i finish he pulls me by my waist and hugs me and i hug back basically hugging his head then he pulls away from me

Dejuane: thank you
Y: no problem
Dejuane: i miss you
Y: but you're with malu
Dejuane: i can leave her it don't matter
Y: but how do i know you'll change
Dejuane: idk do like you use to and trust me
Y: i'll think about it i promise
Dejuane: thank you

after that dejuane walked out and i sat on the bed doing what i promised which was thinking about it

i'm gonna kick my physical science teacher ass if he doesn't fix my got damn grade

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