part 96

577 19 11

my head was on dereks chest and my leg that had a broken ankle was laid across his legs and my arms were wrapped around his torso and he had one arm behind his head and the other laid across my back and we were talking and still watching movies we were like that for nearly 3 hours until the group came back but once they did i was sleep and derek was up by himself

Derek pov:
the group came in and looked at me and y/n but i just looked at them then looked back at the tv

Dejuane: when y'all get back
Derek: almost 3 hours ago
Mike: wait why didn't y'all wait for us
Derek: we went inside to find y'all but we couldn't find y'all so we just left
Jared: is she sleep
Derek: yea why??
Jared: just asking
Kobe: y'all look comfortable
Derek: we are

the others kept talking to me then soon they all got ready to go to sleep and y/n squeezed me tighter in her sleep so i hug her then she relaxes some so i go to sleep also

back to y/n pov:
once i wake up it's around 8:40am and everyone is still sleeping and i see the group is finna my back then derek moves in his sleep so now his two legs were stacked on each other and he was facing my way so my face was now buried in his chest and my leg was hoisted up on his so basically this mother fucker was in between my legs 👍 and i didn't want to wake him up so i just stayed like that for nearly 2 hours til he finally got up looking like a lion that escaped from the damn zoo but even then he didn't move

Derek: good morning
Y: good morning derek
Derek: you sleep good??
Y: yea i was comfy, when did the others get back
Derek: it was late like 1:30a.m.
Y: damn
Derek: ikr by the time they came in you were already sleep
Y: well since they ain't awake yet you wanna finish the movie
Derek: yea

me and derek continue watching the movie from where we left off at last night, while we were watching it the others eventually started waking up but we didn't pay them any attention we just kept watching the movie

Dejuane: that's how y'all went to sleep??
Y&Derek: .......
Mike: hello
Vallyk: are y'all ignoring us
Sora: damn can y'all not hear
Devyn: hello!!!
Lexi: don't make me slap y'all
Davine: y'all acting dumb
Jared: babe hello??
Diego: we gone leave
Monroe: um guess we're leaving then
Kobe: alright we're leaving then

they get dressed while we continue to ignore them and watch the movie then 30 minutes they all walk out and me and derek look at each other and burst out laughing then i got my face mask kit out and we put one on then we had a mini dance party and singing competition then derek was my personal stripper and i was throwing money on him after hours of messing around and dancing we plop down on the bed laughing then once we stop we sit up and derek looks at me and i look at him then he leans in and kisses me and not really thinking i kiss back then i pull back and sit there shocked

Derek: i'm sorry
Y: um it's fine i guess but i feel bad cause....
Derek: your with jared i know and i also know the kiss didn't mean anything to you
Y: it meant a lot to me actually but i know how it feels to be cheated on and i don't want to do that to jared
Derek: y/n to know it meant something to you makes me more than happy and it can stay between us if you want to but just know i'll wait for you
Y: OMG stop bro your so sweet your making this so hard on me
Derek: sorry?? i just like you for your personality minus all your other features your personality outshines it all don't get me wrong your BEAUTIFUL to me and i love you as a best friend and maybe even more
Derek: but do you want the kiss to stay between us
Y: please
Derek: sure but since that's the case i got one more thing to do
Y: what's that

derek smashes our lips together again and honestly i can tell i like him more than jared because idk it's just i've known derek for so long that i've loved him in multiple ways but by now we were making out until we heard the door handle move and we jumped apart dancing once again like nothing happened but we were laughing for real because we almost got caught

Diego: so y'all ignore us but have a whole dance party
Y: yea because were a couple of besties
Derek: yessir

me and derek burst out laughing and ofc i feel a little guilty but at the end of the day i've only dated him for 2 weeks and mainly because he asked me everyday since he gave me that damn card and when we did get together all he wanted was sex and boy bye i just met you get out my face then he had the audacity to ask for head and my dumbass said "shoulder, knees and toes" tf, ofc i gave him kisses but nun more than that but anyways everyone else sat down showing us some stuff they bought while they were out while they do that derek sits next to me and i lean my head on his shoulder acting how we normally act and yea i lowkey felt like a "homie hopper" but i've only dated jared and dejuane and i've only ever had sex with dejuane, which i know dejuane can't relate to cause he's a *cough* hoe *cough* but once they finished showing us me and derek decided to go somewhere since they went somewhere without us and the place we went to was this steakhouse and we were laughing and talking and we also talked about who in the group we shipped together then after that we went to a trampoline park then a regular park and sat by the pond

yea i did that and you would do it too 🏃🏾‍♀️💨

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