part 153

460 17 2

once me and kobe woke up we got showered and ready to pick up the kids and he grabbed his keys and we walked downstairs and out the door getting in the car but on the way we stopped at mcdonald's and got us food and the kids then we continued on to dejuane moms house and once we got there we got out and knocked on the door

Mom#2: oh hey y/n what brings you here
Y: i came to get the kids
Mom#2: oh dejuane just left with them
Y: you've got to be kidding me
Mom#2: is everything ok
Y: yea everything's fine do you know where he went though
Mom#2: he took them to his house
Y: ok thank you
Mom#2: no problem

i hug them bye and once i turn around pissed off i stormed back to the car with kobe and once he got in the car i was shaking my leg trying to calm down and he put his hand on my leg and i just stopped moving it until we got to dejuanes house and i got out and banged on the door

Dejuane: what do you want
Y: my fucking kids
Dejuane: they're hanging with me today
Y: no because i fucking told you yesterday that i was getting them today but yet you go and get them anyway so give me my kids
Dejuane: you aren't getting them
Y: dejuane i don't have time for this we all know you did this on purpose it's like you're fucking obsessed with me at this point when you are the one that moved on so stop this weird shit where you do whatever you can to get me to you i moved on and so have you so why can't you just leave me alone bruh
Dejuane: one i'm not with ansley anymore we are just best friends again and two i'm not obsessed with you i don't even want you in my life
Y: alright and that's fine then stop doing shit that makes me even have to come near you it's pitiful at this point
Dejuane: whatever you aren't getting them so leave
Y: yes i am so move out my way
Dejuane: i will fight you before i let you take them
Kobe: you aren't going to touch her bitch you had a chance to be with them but you wanted to give them to your mom so give them to her or i'll call the cops
Dejuane: so you really about to let him do that shit
Y: yea i am now give me my kids
Dejuane: this is fucking bullshit!!!!
Y: don't fucking yell at me give me my kids and two of them are kobe's anyway
Dejuane: ok and kobe can get them but azlynn and dj are staying with me
Kobe: no they aren't dejuane and i will beat your fucking ass if you don't give them to her right now
Y: it's ok kobe i'll handle it you just go get blessing and kj and put them in the car
Kobe: no i'm not leaving you by yourself
Y: kobe i'll be fine go get them

kobe hesitates then goes inside the house and gets them and once he does dejuane starts arguing with me while i'm arguing back and after a while kobe comes out with all of them and azlynn runs to me and hugs my legs while i rub her head and he takes dj, kj, and blessing to the car getting them buckled in

Dejuane: i said you aren't taking them
Y: i don't care i'm there mother and i'll take them when ever the fuck i want to
Dejuane: i'll take you to court
Y: then do it dejuane it's not like you are going to win
Dejuane: i'll show them pictures and videos that you have a drinking problem
Y: i really don't care because i haven't drank anything in 3 weeks so if i had a problem there would be a bottle in my hand and do it dejuane and i'll show them your papers when you were in rehab and the pictures i have from when you hit me so please do it and i'll have your ass locked up for abuse
Dejuane: so you'd go that low just to get them back
Y: i'd die for them so having you locked up wouldn't be shit to me now like you said you don't want me in your life and i sure don't want you in mine so whenever you want the kids send someone else to get them but if you come anywhere near my house again i'll have your ass locked the fuck up

as i walk off with azlynn i can hear dejuane yelling and cussing and calling me names but i keep walking then i get azlynn buckled in and i get in the car and put my head on the dash board as kobe drives off

Kobe: what happened
Y: bullshit a bunch of it
Kobe: i'm sorry you had to do that
Y: it's fine it's not the first time and for some reason i doubt it'll be the last but thank you for being there
Kobe: any time where to now
Y: home i really just want to go home and sleep the rest of the day away
Kobe: we can go home but i'm not letting you sleep all day we can find something to do
Y: yea sleep kobe i just want to sleep
Kobe: fine but we have to do something tomorrow
Y: sure we can do something tomorrow i'm fine with that but right now i want to go home and sleep this stress away
Kobe: ok home it is

we drove home and once we finally get back i bathe the kids then put them in their pajamas and after getting them ready for bed i sit them on the bed with me and kobe and we all just watch movies and then the kids go downstairs to play and vallyk said he'll watch them until it's their bedtime so i thanked him then watched a bunch of movies swaying side to side drifting in and out of sleep

not my coach making us have a mandatory study hall after school because 9 cheerleaders out of 14 are failing a class💀 btw next chapter will be a character update

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