part 78

660 21 25

                            ~4 months later~

everyone was happy, derek and hailey already had their wedding and we were all cool and living good but the only thing that bothered me was that dejuane started falling back into his old ways, hanging out with random girls, and getting drunk, ofc i didn't mind he hung with girls but he was barely home and he went to another party today while me and the group stayed home and watched movies in the living room while the kids were at dejuanes mom house spending the weekend after two hours of chilling and watching movies dejuane comes in drunk and stumbling at the door so i go to him and try to help him

Dejuane: i don't need your help
Y: dejuane come on i'm just going to get you cleaned
Dejuane: leave me alone
Y: dejuane come on
Dejuane: bitch get the fuck out of my face
Y: don't call me that
Dejuane: ill call you whatever i want with your ugly ass
Y: wow now you're trying to put me down
Dejuane: yes like your face put me down
Y: stop saying this stuff because you're really hurting my feelings
Dejuane: no because you're ugly and fat and you make me sick
Y: oh i'm sorry
Kobe: bro shut up, why are you trying to put her down
Dejuane: just being honest because y'all won't

i walk away from dejuane and just walk in the room lifting my shirt and poking my belly in the mirror talking about how i could be slimmer or looking at my face thinking about how i could look prettier, so i got makeup and started putting it on and once i was done and i didn't like how it looked i threw the makeup at my vanity mirror and as it shattered i put my head down and cried until cherry walked in and put her hand on my back but i was upset so i slapped her hand off and then she sat on the bed while i continued crying surrounded by shards of glass

Cherry: you know he didn't mean that
Y: but he said it so what's the difference
Cherry: he's drunk people say stuff they don't mean when their drunk
Y: drunk words are sober thoughts haven't you
learned that
Cherry: yes y/n i've learned that but it doesn't mean those were his sober thoughts because after all he did marry you and have 2 kids with you
Y: maybe he didn't mean to
Cherry: y/n you don't not mean to marry someone
Y: i guess but anyways i'm going to sleep
Cherry: i can stay with you if you want
Y: please
Cherry: sure

i got in bed then cherry got in with me and i hugged her tightly and then soon i fell asleep, at 4:00am i woke up and cherry was still sleep but i was hungry so i got up and went into the kitchen looking for food but all i saw was junk food then i remembered what dejuane said and i just grabbed a bagel and cream cheese then once i finished eating it i went to the couch and once i sat down i jumped back up

Dejuane: mmmmm
Y: i'm sorry go back to sleep
Dejuane: what are you doing up
Y: my "fat" self got hungry
Dejuane: baby i didn't mean that
Y: but you said it
Dejuane: idk it's just
Y: it's just what??
Dejuane: it's just i feel like you deserve better
Y: what
Dejuane: i feel like i'm not what's best for you
Y: but how can you make that choice for me
Dejuane: i'm sorry y/n but all i do is hurt you when we're together
Y: yea and you're hurting me now
Dejuane: ik and i'm so sorry
Y: so what are you saying
Dejuane: we should get a divor-
Y: please don't say that unless you mean it
Dejuane: y/n i'll miss you like shit but you deserve better than me and we need a divorce
Y: wow so you do mean it

3rd person pov:
y/n got up and left into the room crying while dejuane put his face in his hands crying as well when y/n got in the room she looked at her ring and kept it on but laid down next to cherry crying even harder, cherry heard her and she didn't ask what was wrong she just hugged her as y/n cry's got louder and harder after awhile y/n started to have a panic attack due to the fact that she might lose dejuane for good this time cherry tried to calm her down but nothing worked and next thing cherry knew she was holding a passed out y/n in her arms trying to shake her awake after awhile cherry yelled artis name and he bust through the door seeing y/n and he called an ambulance and once they arrived and took her to the hospital she was in there for around 20 minutes before anyone could come in and once she woke up and looked around she saw cherry, artis, hailey, ayaina, kobe, mike and last but not least dejuane once she saw him she closed her eyes and turned the opposite way and once everyone took the hint about a clue why she was in there they all walked out while dejuane stayed in the room

Dejuane: are you ok??
Y: i'm fine
Dejuane: if you were fine you wouldn't be in here
Y: why do you care
Dejuane: because i want what's best for you
Y: so saying you want a divorce is what's best for me
Dejuane: i just want to make sure you're happy
Y: that's the point i was happy with YOU and i still am, i've never had a moment where i wasn't but for some reason you can't see that
Dejuane: y/n i love you i do i really do
Y: well you don't act like it
Dejuane: i'm sorry but if you want to stay together then i'm more than happy with that decision
Y: then why act like you don't care
Dejuane: because there are moments where i feel like you want better so i try and distant myself because you're so perfect that i feel like if you find someone better than you'll leave me for them
Y: i'll never do that i promise i love you so much
Dejuane: i love you too

i hugged dejuane then he walked out and then kobe came in with tears streaming down his face and his eyes were red and puffy

Y: what's wrong bestie
Kobe: ayaina cheated
Y: i'm so sorry 
Kobe: can i stay here with you
Y: ofc come here

kobe laid in the bed next to me and i rubbed his back until he fell asleep and then soon i fell asleep along with him

3rd person pov:
while y/n and kobe were sleep dejuane walked in with food in his hands then he saw y/n and kobe and put the food down then he walked out with thoughts flooding through his head and he pulled out his phone calling someone and once they answered they told him he could come over and he got in his car and drove off down the road still overthinking

don't worry dejuanes loyal 😃👍

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